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The Next Day...(Thursday, November 20th, 2014)

Abel's POV


A sensational headache echoes throughout my head, reminding me it had been one of those nights. I can barely remember shit, but all I know is what happened last night must have been fucking crazy. I've never had a hangover this horrible.

Before I even open my eyes, my world already feels dizzy around me. Even if I'd try to remember what happened last night, the headache would only get worse. Opening my eyes, this blinding light surrounding me has the effect of a lightning bolt directly in front of my eyes.

Deciding against sitting up in such a hurry, I move with extremely slow actions. It seems like everything is fucking bothering me right now. I should've known I'd regret last night in the morning.

Turning to my sides to get a look of my surroundings, I feel like complete and utter shit. Besides this intense headache, I see a random hoe next to me. I'm obviously in her apartment or whatever the fuck it is.

The worst part about this is the fact that I completely fucked up. Liyah gave me one more chance. I had one fucking job, and once again, I failed. I don't even remember shit from last night! This makes me feel even more guilty.

She doesn't deserve me at all, but I don't want to let her go. I don't want to have her walk out of my life when I'm finally starting to love her. This shit is completely twisted on my behalf. I can't believe I'd do this to Liyah! By now, she's probably already taken a guess about why I'm not home. I wonder if she'd leave me.

The random hoe thats sleeping naked starts to move around a little in her sleep. I quickly grab my phone and pull on my pants, in a hurry to get out that bitch's place. I'm so angry at myself; I completely fucked up. How could I do this to her?

My head is aching with a million thoughts about Liyah. Thinking about what will happen what I get home--maybe I'll come home to an empty house, or Liyah packing her stuff. If she's left by now, she's probably long gone. Or running in to Bryce's arms.

It'd probably be for the better. As much as I hate to say this shit, she deserves better. I've already tried to change my ways so many times, but I just hurt her continuously in the process of doing so. I just don't want to think of my life right now without her.

Throughout the Uber home from the other side of town, I try to ready myself what's about to happen. But truthfully, I know nothing's going have me prepared to face Liyah. That is if she's even still here.

Stepping out the Uber, I ride up to my elevator, nearly passing out from the dizziness the ride up has me feeling. This headache'll probably be the death of me.

I enter my apartment, but what I see completely shocks me. If anything, this was the exact opposite of what I was expecting.

There's huge red puddle of some foreign substance spread out across my kitchen floor. Red footsteps from the substance trail out my door, as well. There's no doubt in my mind that this substance is blood.

Questions race throughout my mind:

Where is Liyah? Is she okay? What the hell happened in here?

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