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After Aaliyah Left...(Sunday, September 14th)

Abel's POV

I fucked up. Big time.

Everything I said, I immediately regretted.

I wish I could go change back what I said. Her facial expression said it all. She wanted nothing to do with me anymore.

I know what I said was wrong, but it was all a lie. I didn't want to tell her what I was really feeling. Because truthfully, I know what had happened.

I had caught feelings for her.

And I know she had caught feelings, as well. But I had just ruined what we had together. We weren't even in a relationship, but for some reason, I still managed to fuck something up.

The look on her face showed our pain. And I know that I was the cause for all that. I feel like a horrible person.

How did I even let those words slip out my mouth?

I call up the one person who I know I can trust right now.

"Lamar, come here. Right now."

"Aight, I'll be there in ten." He answers than hangs up.

I swear, whenever I have issues, Lamar always acts like a therapist. He starts acting more of a lightskin than me; always in his damn feelings about everything.

While waiting, I pour myself a glass of Henny and light up a blunt. It's best that I get a little fucked up before I start talking. That's when I best express myself.

Then, I heard a knock on the door. I trudged my way towards the door and as expected, Lamar was there. Actually, he had 'Chick-fil-A' with him as well.

"Shit, dude! How the fuck did you get this? There's no Chick-fil-A's in New York!" I exclaim. Chick-fil-A always makes me happy, but unfortunately, there were none in New York.

I nearly snatch the bag out his hand. "Ay, chill! My food in there too! And one opened up in Manhattan."

I fill my mouth so fast with the chicken tenders.

Damn, I really missed this.

"Aight, man. What did you need from me?" Lamar asks while eating his fries.

I ignore him and eat the goodness I've been blessed with.

"NIGGA, I AM TALKING TO YOU!" Lamar waves his hands in front of my face.

"NIGGA, I AM EATING!!" I say to him right back.

As I finish eating, I finally tell him what has been sitting on the tip of my tongue.

He's sipping on his tea. "I think I'm catching feelings for-"

I'm cut off by him choking on his tea, nearly spitting it out, too.

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