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(A/N: This chapter is extra long and adorable!!)

Tuesday morning...(July 15th, 2014)

Aaliyah's POV

Streaks of sunlight hit me straight in the eye, blinding me. I notice my blinds are open, which isn't normal. I usually always close them before I go to bed.

Wait...Abel was here.

I internally groan at what happened last night. I can't believe I let him do that and break our agreement! He's probably just going to throw me away like he does to the rest of his girls.

11:34, the clock reads.

Since he's probably already gone, I don't bother looking for him. I have to start getting ready to go to Republic in about 45 minutes, so I decide to take a long shower.

Jordan should be gone by now and Abel probably left earlier in the morning, so I grab my speakers and hook them up in my bathroom When I connect it to my phone, The Fall comes on. Yes! I love that song, along with most of his others.

Before I start undressing, I realize I'm hearing something. The shower water is running.

"Who the fuck is in my shower?!" I shout.

Abel and Jordan are the only ones who have access to the apartment, but I know Jordan is already gone. It has to be Abel here. He's the only one that I know that would do this type of shit.

"Guess." The voice sounds familiar, like Abel's. When I stare through the slightly blurred sliding glass shower door, I can kind of make out the pineapple on his head.

"Abel, why the hell are you in my shower?" I ask.

"Because I need to shower." He responds in a condescending tone.

"I don't have times for your damn games, Abel! You need to hurry up and leave!" I tell him.

"You weren't saying that last night."

I can almost picture him smirking right now. Sometimes, I can really hate this cocky ass arrogant jerk that I work for. He's annoying and has no regard for the people around him.

"I see you like my music." He chuckles.

"Cocky ass." I mutter under my breath.

"Aww, is baby Liyah grumpy in the morning?" He asks sarcastically.

That's it. I can't take being around him. Especially in the morning after I wake up. Everything annoys me when it's that early, even though it's only 11:40.

I walk back in to my room to lay down on my comfy bed. I'm practically sprawled out across my bed, all parts of my body spread open.

My eyes start to droop down again, telling me that I need more sleep, even though I just woke up.

All of a sudden, I feel something massaging my thigh. Too lazy to sit up, I just groan.

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