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Nearly Three Weeks Later...(Friday, October 30th, 2014)

New York

Aaliyah's POV

It's been almost three weeks since Bianca had her surgery in Florida. After spending about two weeks in the hospital, the doctors gave us the "all-clear" to fly her back to New York. Now, all of us are back in NYC.

Bia is currently staying with Lamar. Since Lamar's loft in NYC is in the same building as Abel's, I've also been sleeping at Abel's place more often. It makes it easier to see Bia so I won't have to drive back and forth everyday.

Unfortunately, Bia hasn't been doing so great. Well, her recovery form the surgery is just fine, but she's sprawled in to depression. Losing her baby has taken quite a toll on her and I couldn't even imagine how she's feeling.

Whenever I visit her, she doesn't really say much. The only person she gets close to is Lamar. However, Lamar is staying strong for her, which is what I'm proud of him for. He's been taking care of her and not leaving her side at all.

Right now, it's 5PM and I'm in Abel's loft. I don't exactly know where he is, but I think he's coming home from Republic. Cash has given me a few weeks off for Bia's sake, which I am very thankful for. Since I'm alone, I pretty much have nothing to do.

I've visited my brother Jordan a few times since I've been here. He's also came to see Bianca to check up on her. After all, he is still her friend and deserves every right to see her.

The one person I haven't made an attempt to contact is Bryce. He has no clue what has happened to Bia and I am about to tell him. He still deserves to see her, as well. They're friends, too.

Dialing his number, he picks up on the last ring.

"Hello?" Bryce answers in a raspy, sleepy voice.

"Nigga why you sleeping? It's 5PM!" I joke.

"What do you want?" He snaps at me.

Oh. Okay then.

I roll my eyes. "What's wrong? Did I do something?"

"No, you never doing anything wrong." Bryce sarcastically replies.

"Seriously, Bry. What did I do?" I repeat.

He sighs heavily before answering.

Bryce starts to question me. "Have you ever considered how I might be feeling right now? Has my feelings ever once popped up in to your head?"

"What-" He cuts me off.

"Did you ever stop and think that maybe the guy who loves you might be lonely without you for a month? Especially when you left him for another nigga? How do you think that'd make him feel?"

I stay silent.

"I've been fucking miserable without you! I've been waiting for you for over a month! Do you not get that you have a huge affect on me? You don't even have the courtesy to return any of my calls!

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