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Friday Morning...(July 11th, 2014)

Aaliyah's POV

The sun streaks coming from the blinds hits me straight in the eyes. I feel like it just burned me in the eye. I groan. Then I realize...

Where the hell am I?

I look at the clock and see that it's 8:33.

This whole room is unfamiliar to me. I get up to try and start recollecting myself when strong arms pull me closer to someone.

Oh my god...that's Abel! What am I doing sleeping with him? Did we do it? I couldn't have been that-

Then all the memories from last night flood in, giving me a pounding sensation in my head.

The concert. The club. The drinks. The man. The rape.

Abel saving me. Abel taking care of me. Abel coming in my room. Abel helping me to sleep and being so kind.

Damn, that's definitely a side I've never seen of him, even though he did call me a dumbass before I went to sleep.

I try to wriggle out his arms, but they're strongly wrapped around my waist, securing me in close to him. All I hear are his light snores and birds chirping from outside.

"Abel...can you get up!" I shout, but he doesn't budge.


All I can do is lay down and wait for him to wake up. Eventually, I fall back asleep, since he's obviously not waking up soon.


I open my eyes once again to find me in the same room as I fell asleep. This time, Abel's not laying with me. I look down at the nightstand again to see he time is now 11:37.

Oh shit! Jordan is going to kill me! And Abel...

I gather all my clothes and shove them in my purse. Not knowing where Abel is, I quickly step in the bathroom to look at myself. I finally got some sleep! I don't look as tired as normal.

Quickly brushing my teeth with a spare toothbrush, I latch on my heels. My feet might be hurting, but I'm not going to walk barefoot! I make up the bed and leave everything nice and neat.

When I check my phone, I have a bunch of texts and missed calls from Jordan. To be exact, 23 calls and 45 texts. Oh no.

Most of them consist of things saying, "Where the fuck are you?" and "Stop playing! This is serious!"

I ignore them and open the Uber app to get one to come to this house. I don't even know where I am, but the GPS signal will pick it up.

Quietly closing the door, I walk downstairs, almost falling on my butt since my legs are a little shaky. Before I slip out the door, I hear a familiar voice.

"Where you going in such a rush?" I turn and roll my eyes at Abel, who's only wearing grey boxers, which are particularly tight around his bulge, and a white XO tank. He has a crazy grin on his face.

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