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Monday...(July 14th, 2014)

Aaliyah's POV


I walk down the stairs to see that I'm alone. I guess Jordan left earlier to go to Republic. His shift there starts at 10:00, so I've gotten used to this.

Since I still have extra time before I have to leave, I decide to leave early so I can go to Starbucks and still make it on time. I think Abel would want something, because he usually always texts me to get something for him.

As if on cue, my phone vibrates with an incoming call.

Hoe #2 🍍 is calling...

I answer, not really wanting to talk, though.

"Hello, baby. How's your afternoon going?" He greets.

"I'm not your baby, and it's going fine. Why are you acting so nice?" I ask.

"I'm not acting nice, I am nice!" He says, and I burst out laughing.

"Why the fuck you lying?!" I joke.

Abel fake gasps. "I'm so offended."

"Anyways, I'm calling to tell you to get me Starbucks. And get me that same caramel shit you always be gettin' for yourself. I had a sip of it and it's good!" He adds.

"Ew, Abel! Don't drink from my stuff! I'm a major germaphobe." I tell him.

He wickedly laughs. "Thanks, baby. Now I know." I can imagine him winking.

"Bye, Abel." I don't even give him a chance to say bye. I just hang up.

Grabbing my keys, I lock the front door and turn all the lights off. I ride down the elevator and exit when I see Bryce.

Holy hell, he looks very enticing today.

Snap out of it!

"Good Afternoon, Ms. Willows." He greets me.

I smile. "Good Afternoon, Mr. Collins." I don't know why , but we like to joke around and be professional towards each other.

"How's you and Mr. Pineapple? Did he-" Bryce wiggles his eyebrows a little, "-you know?"

"EW! Never!"  I exclaim at him. Why does everyone think Abel and I are going to fuck?!

"Well, you did kind of hang up on him for me..." He trails off.

Oh yeah! I forgot. Friday morning when I was at Abel's place, he took my phone and hung up on him. Then I remembered what happened after we hung up. I smiled a little to myself.

"Sorry! He took my phone from me for no reason!"

"Yeah, and why were you even at his place?" Bryce asks. Should I tell him what really happened, or should I dismiss it.

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