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That Same Day...(Saturday, September 20th)

Aaliyah's POV

"Why are you here?" I say nervously, unable to move out of place.

"You didn't miss me?" He asks.

He's dressed in a white collared button-up shirt and blue jeans. His Yeezy's are clean and new. His hair is looking fresh and shaped perfectly. I can even smell his cologne, which smells desirable.

I can't front, he looks perfect right now. His looks an smell is very alluring to me. He knows I'm sensual as hell. Anything in sight or smell that is pleasing while automatically attract me. Fuck, he's using my weakness against me.

"I did. I didn't expect you t-to drop by." I unwillingly stutter.

He moves closer to me and engulfs me in a hug. His delectable aroma fills my nostrils and I can't help but take a deep breath of him while my face is buried in the crook of his neck. His strong arms are wrapped around my waist, holding me close to him.

"I missed you, and it hasn't even been long." He explains while pulling away. "Can't you see how much you're affecting me?"

I'm immediately consumed with guilt. I wish things were just easier, that I could just be with him without any disruptions.

But somehow, something always goes wrong between Bryce and I.

"Bryce, I'm sorry for any pain I've ever inflicted on you. I hope you know that I'd never do that to you on purpose." I try and reason with him.

I shut the door in after he steps in. I didn't even notice the bouquet of roses that were behind his hand. Damn, he's trying his best to win me over and he's doing exactly what I like.

"It's okay, babygirl. I want to make things right between us." Bryce states.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

I stroll over to the kitchen and pour a glass of vodka for myself and a glass of Dr. Pepper for him. I know I shouldn't be drinking right now, but vodka will forever be my favorite drink. Over the years I've known him, I can tell he's always drinking Dr. Pepper.

"Well," He approaches the island where I left his glass at. We stand across from each other.

"I want you." Bryce firmly states.

I've always known this, but now that I have feelings for two people, it's confusing the hell out of me. I want to give Bryce what he deserves, but I feel I'll never be good enough for him. He gives me a feeling of joy and stability. Abel, however, is something I've never dealt with before. Its like a craving towards the mysterious parts of him.

"I want you, too." I admit. "But I'm feeling so confused right now."


I take a deep sigh and decide to just tell him straight up. "You know I have feelings for Abel, as well."

An expression I don't seem to recognize crosses his face. Bryce never displays emotions for me, but I can tell hurt and jealousy is written across his face. I hate knowing that I'm the cause for this, but I can't do anything. I have feelings for both of them.

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