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(Liyah's outfit. The girl in the picture is not Liyah. Liyah is played by Kayla Phillips.)

Friday Morning...(July 18th, 2014)

Aaliyah's POV

For the past few days, I haven't been able to talk or catch up with my best friend Bianca. So now that I'm filled her in for everything that has happened, she's freaked out.

I invited her over yesterday for a sleepover so we could talk and I can explain all that has happened. In a span of time, I had basically went on date(s) with Abel and ended up giving my virginity to him.


"Bianca, I have some tea to spill. Like MAJOR tea..." I tell Bianca.

Her eyes are already bulging out of her head since I've been practically keeping this information from her all day. I'm excited, but scared to see her response. She might go fan crazy then murder me for sleeping with her future husband, as she likes to say.

"COME ON! I want to know now!" She shout in my face.

"Okay , okay! Do you want the news straight-up blunt or with details and all?" I ask.

"Details, bitch! DUH!"

I contemplate on how I should begin.

"Well this all started on Monday night, or should I say Tuesday morning. I think it was around two o'clock when Abel called me. I was like 'What??' because he never calls this late. Turns out, he was on his way to my house and then starts knocking on the door while we're still on the ph-"


"Hush child! Okay so I open the door and he's all smiling and shit. He's drunk, obviously. So we talk for a little and then out of nowhere, he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I start yelling and shit and he tells me to be quiet because my brother's sleeping."

"AWWW! This is like fucking goals!" I roll my eyes at her and continue talking.

"So we end up in my room, right? We talk a bit again and he says random bullshit that I completely forgot about and suddenly he kisses-"

I'm cut off by Bianca's screaming and I have to hold my hand over her mouth since Jordan is sleeping.

"ANYWAYS...stuff happens..." I say, too embarrassed to go on.

"BITCH GIVE ME THE DETAILS!! What kind of stuff happened?!" Bianca grins and winks. I already know she's thinking dirty.

"Well...uhhh...he kinda...you know...uhhh...he..."

"SPIT IT OUT GIRL!!" Bianca shouts in my face.

FINE! Well he kind of fingered me and all..." I trail off and her screaming begins. I decide to let her get it all out.


"HUSH CHILD! There's more piping hot tea to spill! lYou will not believe what happens next. Jordan walks in right in the middle of us! But knowing Abel's horny ass, he didn't even stop till' I came.

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