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The Next Morning...(Wednesday, November 19th, 2014)

Aaliyah's POV

Last night had to be one of the worst nights I've had in a while. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw what has happened; I thought I was being delusional. But not even delusion can erase the vivid images that are painted across my mind for now and forever.

I thought Abel had loved me. When you love someone, shouldn't you wish the best for them? Shouldn't you want them to have internal peace and eternal happiness? If he loved me, he wouldn't keep breaking my heart. Doesn't he think this would destroy me on the inside?

For the past few days that he's been gone, I've gotten little sleep. The bed we used to share was now cold and empty. I've been surrounding myself with emptiness and thoughts that seem to swallow me whole. I can't seem to control anything that much anymore.

Because of him, I've been stressed out. I haven't been sleeping much, my hormones have been all over the place, I haven't even been eating much. The only time I really got to go out was with Bianca and Jhene, but our outing ended up going horribly wrong last night.

I hope that Abel comes around soon and admits his wrongdoings. My heart can't take this anymore; he's also taken a toll on my mental and physical health. I've already started up bad habits. What happens if I can't stop them?

It's sometime in the late morning and I had gotten no sleep. My mind was off drifting about Abel, as usual. He's all I think about now. I think my life has began to revolve around him and him only.

Suddenly, I hear a noise downstairs, making me jump out the bed. It's followed by what sounds like something falling on the floor and shattering in to pieces. My mind starts to worry.

I remember that Abel said he keeps a gun in his dresser on the side of his bed. Quickly pulling it out, my hands start to tremble a little. My heart is racing as I climb from under the covers and make my way quietly out the bedroom door.

Peaking by the stairs, I see nothing. Out of nowhere I feel someone's hands pull my shoulder back.

Reacting on impulse, I spin around and his whoever it is with the butt of my gun. My eyes widen when I see who it is. Groaning in utter pain right beneath my feet is Abel, who is holding the side of his head.

"Abel? Oh god, I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you!"

I immediately crouch down and rush to his aid. There is a little bruise spot already starting to form.

"My lord, baby, you got a strong ass arm!" Abel chuckles.

"Abel, stop laughing! This isn't funny! This is why you don't try to fucking scare me." I say, inspecting the size of the wound on his head.

"It's fine babygirl, I'll be okay. I've gotten hit harder." He tells me.

I roll my eyes at him as sits up against the wall. Now, we're both just staring each other down as I'm crouched down in front of him. He looks like he's contemplating what to say next.

"Are you okay?" Abel asks.

It's a little too late to ask that.

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