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8PM In The Evening...(Sunday, October 12th, 2014)

Aaliyah's POV

"Oh shit, that was good." I pulse out as Abel pulls his pants up.

I bite my lip at the recollection of the events that previously took place. To be honest, I barely know how we ended up fucking on a table in the dining room area of this yacht. All I know is that the aftermath of this has left me disheveled and unaware where my clothes were placed.

"I know." he smirks while leaving a sweet kiss on my lips. Butterflies erupt in my stomach and he cups my face in his hands.

Placing my hands on his chest, I push him back a little. "Jeez, Abe. We just went at it, can you keep your dick in your pants?"

"Oh really?" His smirk spreads wider. "Since when did you grow the balls to talk to me like that?"

"When I became a boss ass bitch...so, since birth." I cockily joke.

Abel looks me deep in the eyes with a curious, but playful look. "I like your added sassiness, baby."

Truthfully, I didn't want to face the reality of why I had suddenly flipped my attitude on him. Bryce's words were still on my mind from yesterday. He said he loved me. Someone actually loved me for once, and I was cherishing the fact that he actually cares that much for me.

But, I was also upset with myself. I had led him on and made a stupid mistake by walking in to his arms and just sleeping with him. I should've known never to do that while I was messing around with another guy, and now he'd fallen for me. I don't want him to end up getting hurt because I'm still with Abel.

I'd suddenly changed my attitude towards Abel to get Bryce off my mind. I thought to myself that if I got so involved with Abel right now, any traces of Bryce in my thoughts would disappear. Sadly, that just encouraged the one thing that had scared me the most.

I was missing Bryce.

And I'm hating myself for it right now. Abel is clearly spoiling me and doing so much for me while here I am, in my thoughts about another guy. Bryce keeps reeling me in to him at the last second, just one I think I'd mostly forgotten about him.

Bryce had called me twice between yesterday and today, and that made me feel worse. I didn't want to let Abel know that I'd even had feelings for Bryce, so I haven't even brought him up once. He'd probably be angry and jealous, and the last thing I want do it cause a nasty argument. Knowing myself, I'd probably run in to Bryce's arms because of my hurt emotions.

However, I declined his calls because I honestly didn't know what to say to him. I wouldn't be able to say I love him because I don't. Hell, I don't love Abel either, but I know it's the same way around. If I had answered his calls, I would probably chicken out and hang up.

I'd also declined his calls because Abel is almost always with me. There's no doubt he'd catch me on the phone with someone and I don't want him asking all these questions. Again, I really don't want him to know I have feelings for Bryce.

"What do you mean my added sassiness? That shit has always been there!" I exclaim.

"Aye, watch your mouth." He tells me.

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