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Days Later...(Friday, October 10th, 2014)

Aaliyah's POV

"All this expensive classy stuff is too much for me. I'm being treated like a literal queen!" I exclaim to Bianca.

"Only the best for you, my queen." Abel whispers in my ear before walking away to the private baggage claim.

I roll my eyes playfully at his corniness while his back is still turned away from me. We've just landed in Miami, Florida for Abel's final show. I can't believe that these weeks have sped by so fast, but I guess it's just because I've been having so much fun with Abel and the crew.

During this whole time, Abel has been spoiling me so much. He likes to call me a brat, but takes me to 5-star restaurants and hotels, private and exclusive beaches and jets, and plus, I practically get any item I want. It doesn't matter if it's fancy jewelry, expensive watches or purses, or sneakers--whatever I want, he supplies me with it.

Speaking of me being spoiled, here comes Abel with my luggage in his hand. I smile at his attempts to be sweet, even though he's making me feel like a gold-digger.

My cheeks redden. "Aw, Abel. Stop spoiling me. I can carry my own luggage."

"You must think chivalry is dead, huh?" He jokes. "Not with me, babygirl."

He's being so adorable right now, it's hard for me to not give in to his sweetness. But, I'm naturally stubborn, so I continue my 'fight.' Walking up to him, I gently tug his hand to grab my luggage, but he doesn't budge.

"Nope," Abel says, whilst popping the 'p.'

He starts to add, "Just let me be a gentleman."

I sigh deeply. "Okay, fine. But this isn't happening anymore. I like my independence." I explain.

When I look around for Bianca, I notice she's not by my side anymore. Instead, she's with her new boo-thang, A.K.A. Lamar. They're so cute together. He keeps trying to kiss her, but she dodges him. This happens a few times, but then they both end up laughing it away. Lamar sneaks one long, final kiss in.

That goes on for a few seconds until Hawk sneaks behind Lamar and slaps him on the back of the neck. I swear Hawk stay trifling.

"All y'all niggas over here being cute and shit and I'm the only one without a bitch." Hawk pouts.

That's true, actually. Abel, Lamar, and even Hyghly bought a girl to accompany their selves on tour and Hawk is alone. Wait, I almost forgot Cash, too! But he's not too caught up in all these girls like the rest of the crew.

"Well, for starters," I start. "Us females doesn't really appreciate you referring to us as 'bitches.'" I sass.

"Well, what ever the fuck you want to be called, I'm just alone." He admits.

"Just stop being a hoe for once." I bluntly say and Abel chuckles.

"She's right." He agrees with me.

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