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A/N: Do not correct me if some things in this story are inaccurate, like the tour dates and places. I did it on purpose. ENJOY!

The Next Morning...(Tuesday, September 16th)

Aaliyah's POV

What the fuck happened last night?

I can't remember a thing. Wait, I can't even remember if it was night. All I know is that Lamar locked me in Abel's loft and then...

My mind is blank.

I hope I'm not at Abel's place right now. If I am, I don't even want to open my eyes. If I'm in Abel's place, I know we must have done something, or else I wouldn't be in his bed.

Opening my eyes, I look around. I notice it's bright in here, so it must be morning. When I start to take in my surroundings.

This is some strange room. It has strange toys lined up against the wall and suspenders hanging from the air. Deep red, velvet carpet line every wall in the room.

Wait. This is one of Abel's rooms.

No, no, no, no, no! This means I must have forgave him! He probably seduced his forgiveness back. I notice he's not even in bed with me. What a fuckboy move...

I start to raise to get out of bed when I immediately regret it. My inner thighs feel extremely sore.

We really did fuck. I can't believe I just let him in again like that.

I walk out of bed, wincing with every step. Jeez, it even hurts to walk. He must've been fucking me like he was angry because I'm hurting. Even my ass is kind of hurting.

While walking to the bathroom, I see my panties and bra. And it looks like they're literally cut off. What the fuck were we doing last night? There is also a ripped blindfold and handcuffs, too. The fuck...?

When I look in the mirror at my naked body, I notice hickeys everywhere from my thighs above. My neck even has what looks like a bite mark. My ass has hand imprints and some strange object that kind of looks like...a paddle?

Oh, fuck.

Now I remember what we did.

I cringe at my thoughts. I immediately feel dirty as hell. We had went at least about six rounds. All the kinky shit that went on is the reason I'm so sore. Handcuffs, blindfolds, paddles, ice, chains, gags, ropes. What the fuck was going through my mind? Discipline? Punishment? Roleplaying?

I groan loudly. I'm such a dirty girl because I liked some of those things he did to me. Why did I even get pleasure from that pain? My mind feels so fucked up right now. I'm such a slut for all those things...

"I'm so nasty." I sigh while running a hand through my hair and holding my head in my hands.

Looking through Abel's drawers, I find a pair of black XO sweatpants and a black XO shirt. Since I don't have any undergarments, I just slide them on.

I hope Abel has left already. The level of awkwardness that I would feel if I saw him would be out the roof. I already feel embarrassed right now.

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