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The Same Day...(Thursday, September 18th)

Aaliyah's POV

"Okay, here's everyone's room key." Cash distributes the room keys to everyone, except me.

"Hey, where's mines-" I'm cut off by Abel nudging me in my side.

Even Bianca got her own room key, but I don't get one! They all start to depart one-by-one until it's only Abel, Bianca, and I.

"You're staying with me, Liyah." Abel says to me. "I have my own unit here."

I poke my lip out slightly. "But I want to stay with Bianca..."

She rolls her eyes at me. "I don't need to hear y'all fucking all the time! I'd rather you sleep with him!"

After we left the airport, we all drove to the Ritz, which is the hotel we're staying at for the next three days. It's the 18th and Abel performs the 19th. We leave the day afterwards to New York for the second show.

"Ugh, fine." I sigh. Bianca departs and I guess I really do have to say with Abel.

He smirks and I roll my eyes. Oops...

"When are you going to learn to quit rolling your eyes at me, ma?" He says.

"I'm not fucking you right now so don't even get your hopes up." I roll my eyes again just for the hell of it. I'm seriously not letting Abel fuck me and I will resist him with all my might.

"Whatever you say..." He grins. I know that grin from a mile away. He's up to something.

He leads me down a maze full of twist and turns, which I'd probably get lost in.

"How do you know where everything is?" I ask him.

"I live here, I got my own penthouse." He cockily says. "Private elevator goin' straight to my unit."

I roll my eyes at him again. "You're so cocky, quoting your lyrics and all. You have a habit of doing that."

"Sure I do, babygirl."

We stop at the entrance of an elevator, which I assume is his private one. After sliding a key in the socket, it opens for us. After riding up to his floor in a comfortable silence, we step in to his penthouse.

 After riding up to his floor in a comfortable silence, we step in to his penthouse

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