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Monday...(June 30th, 2014)

Monday is finally here! Usually I absolutely hate Mondays, but today is the day I start working for Republic Records.

As soon as my alarm buzzes for 11:00AM, I dart up in my bed, ready to get to work. I really am too excited just to go to work, but I can't help it. Today I get to find out which celebrity I'm working with!

It's not like I got any sleep, anyways. I've gotten use to being tired, so it barely phases me. I just cover it up with make-up and a cup of coffee that brightens me up.

I wish I could go to sleep more. I've even tried taking sleeping pills, but I had to take 12 of them to only get a few hours of sleep! If my brother knew about that, he would take me in for psychiatric evaluation because he's very overprotective of me.

Going to the bathroom first, I race down the hall to my own bathroom. In the loft, the upstairs level is practically mine and Jordan gets the downstairs, except the living room and kitchen.

It's decorated the same as down stairs with Japanese Cherry Blossom Trees painted throughout the walls and rooms. I chose that decoration because Japanese Cherry Blossom Trees mean that life is beautiful, but tragically short.

I look up in the mirror and I immediately regret it. I look tired. Beyond tired. Sleep doesn't come very easily to me. I've been an insomniac since high school and its only gotten worse.

I have bags under me eyes, and I hate them. The last time I had sleep longer than an hour or two must've been Thursday. I was really faded after that night.

That night. I still have trouble believing The Weeknd wanted me; just a normal city girl. And out of all the girls in the club, that were way hotter than me, he wanted me.

But he probably found some other bitch to get with him so...it doesn't matter anymore.

I just hope nobody ever locks me in a bathroom again. That creeped me out.

That encounter with The Weeknd had made me think a bit. It really humored me how he actually seemed. How weird is it to have a celebrity, which every girl loves, lock you in a bathroom and practically beg you to sleep with them. He seemed...demanding and seductive.

Too bad his seducing didn't work on me.

I undress and turn on a warm shower. In early mornings, they always seem to freshen my senses. Pouring some Sensual body wash on my lofa, I begin to think about who I could possibly be working with.

I know they have some big-time artists signed with them, like Nicki Minaj, Drake and Ariana Grande. But is it possible I could work for anyone like that? That would be amazing!

I hear the timer go off, ending my shower after 15 minutes. I dry off and walk back to my room in my white robe with my initials. A.W. for 'Aaliyah Willows.'

Today, I didn't know what to expect. I was nervous, but excited. I was new, so I didn't know anyone there. Well, except Jordan. But we work in completely different divisions.

I wonder if the artist is going to be a snobby guy or girl that would treat me like a second-class citizen. I hope I don't get someone that full of themselves.

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