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Aaliyah's POV...(Sunday, September 14th)

In the past few days, I've had to think about what Abel had asked me. He wanted me to go on tour with him. Like, to a different country.

I've never been out the U.S. before and I've always wanted to go to Canada. But I'd never thought that I'd first explore Canada while on the job. With a fucking celebrity!

To be honest, I was low-key excited that he invited me. I want to go, but I don't think I want to leave my this for a month.

And anyways, my brother might not want me going. I think I'll just ask him. If he says yes, then I'll probably go. If he says no, I have two more days to combine him before Abel's deadline.

Since it's 6:30 P.M., Jordan should be home soon. Right on cue, I hear the door open and then close.

I have to mentally prepare myself for this. While rehearsing what I'm going to say, I slowly walk downstairs to greet him.

"Hey, Jordan!" I say. He notices me and immediately outs in a smile.

"Hey, Liyah...you're being strangely nice today." Jordan says sarcastically.

"So just because I come downstairs to say 'Hi' to you means that I'm being unusually nice?" I joke.

"Yes, because usually you would yell from your room, 'What's up, nigga?!'" He explains and I giggle a little.

I'm trying to be extra-nice, but he already knows I want something!

"Anyways...I kind of have a business trip I'm planning to go on." I say.

His eyebrows furrow together from confusion.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Business trip? You work as an assistant manager for a celebrity. How can you have a business trip?" He asks.

"Well...Abel is going on a short tour soon. And he needs me to come with him." I exhale deeply as I breathe out those words.

Before Jordan can react, I start to add. "It's only three weeks that I'll be gone. Only four performances. I'm not going for Abel, I swear. I need to help his manager with the-"

"You don't have to ask me. I'm not going to hold you back."

Wait, what? Is this the same Jordan that tried fighting Abel once? Is he actually letting me be free for once? Oh shit.

"You serious? Like, real life for real?" I ask him.

"You can go. Just don't return pregnant or on some other fucked up shit." He jokes and I hug him.

"When do you leave?" Jordan asks.

"September 18th. I can also come visit in between performances, too!" I assure him while gripping on to our hug.

"Fine, Liyah. Now please, get the fuck off of me. I can't breathe." He spits out. Was I really doing that?

I run up the stairs to my bedroom. Instead of texting Abel, I decide to just surprise him at his place. He'll be happy since he was practically begging me to some with him the other day.

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