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The Next Morning...(Saturday, September 27th)

Abel's POV

Waking up from a deep sleep, my eyes flutter open to the sound of waves crashing against the beach. I notice immediately that I'm spooning Aaliyah, and it feels so pleasurable that she's back in my arms. I've missed her in the few days we've been together. And besides, she's the only thing that gets me to sleep nowadays.

Staring at Aaliyah, I take in all of her astounding features as she sleeps. Her presence and looks right now reminds me of angel. Her eyes are closed gently and those pretty pink lips of hers are slightly upturned in to a small smile. I can't help but to grow one across my face, too.

Instead of getting out of bed, I'm going to make sure I stay in bed with her so she won't wake up alone. It's almost too comforting having her so close to me; I truly have missed her.

After a few minutes of me laying right next to her, I feel her stir slightly in my arms. She must be waking up now. Her eyes travel down to me to see that I'm staring directly at her. That causes a smile to break out across her face.

Aaliyah reaches out and engulfs me in a hug, halfway on top of me and halfway on the bed. Her lips start to leave small, sweet kisses all over my face. I can't help but to revel in the fact that she's all mines again. Soon, I realize she's cutting my airways off and I can barely breathe.

"Liyah," I gasp between words. "Can't...really...breathe..." I manage to get out.

After she finally lets up off of me, I'm able to catch my breath again. Then, swinging her legs on top of me, she climbs up fully on my lap so I can get a stunning view of my princess. I'm only in my boxers, so her sitting right on my dick has me feeling some type of way.

"I thought you were a rapist when you woke up next to me." Liyah jokes with an illuminous smile. "I missed you, baby. When did you even come in the room?"

"Maybe around 4AM. I needed my little sleeping antidote." I laugh, which causes her grin to grow wider than it already was.

A pleading look appears in her eyes. "Am I forgiven?"

"Of course, baby girl. You know I missed you too much to just let go of you." I enthusiastically respond.

"Thank you so much! I don't know what I would've done without you." Liyah admits. I thought she was going in for a hug, but she surprises me with a kiss.

Since I was caught off guard, I barely and time to respond before she slipped her tongue in my mouth. My hands were sneaking to her waist while she played with my dreads. As her chest slowly lowered on to mines, her legs also swung to the sides of my body.

Now that we were fully on top of each other, I flipped her around so I could be in control. Taking her lip between my teeth, I slowly pull on it and then run over it with my tongue. She lets out a small cry, only encouraging me.

Trailing my hands around her body, I tug, well rip, her oversized shirt off. Now, she is only in red, lacy undergarments that look so fucking good on her; too bad I'll be tearing them off of her.

"You're so beautiful, princess." I say while traveling my lips across her chest.

Unhooking her bra off, I throw it somewhere on the floor and take one of her nipples in my mouth. Immediately, she reacts with an arch of her back. I gently press her back down on to the bed as my tongue massages her bare breast.

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