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(A/N: How I imagine Liyah's loft!)

Wednesday morning...(July 16th, 2014)

Aaliyah's POV

I wake up in an unfamiliar room.


"Where the hell am I?!" I can't remember anything from last night until I see a familiar pair of dreads.

Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no!

I SLEPT WITH ABEL LAST NIGHT! I got so drunk and high that I actually did it...OH NO! I'm going to get fired! Jordan's going to kill me! I'm just going to be one of those thousands of girls Abel's fucked! I start panicking and screaming.

"Calm down!" Abel jumps up from under the covers. I pull the sheets towards me, covering up my exposed my body.


I pull the sheets off my bed and run to the bathroom and lock myself in it so I can try to recollect my thoughts.

Yesterday, he took me to a restaurant. Then, we went to Coney Island. After, we went to the grocery store and went to get alcohol. We came back to his loft and I showered and then...I can't remember anything!

I pull his black robe off the towel hanger and drop the sheets so I can put the robe on. Then, I find a spare toothbrush and use his toothpaste to brush my teeth. I notice I feel sore from last night though...

I actually fucked Abel...Memories start coming back in from last night by bits and pieces. I remember how he touched me and what he did to me even though I was so gone. I'm ashamed to say that I liked it.

We were both drunk and high. He persuaded me to do all these things with him...Oh my gosh.


"You look cute in my clothes." He says when he first sees me. "But I'd think you'd look better with them off..."

"And Hoe Abel is back!" I exclaim.

I see he's in the kitchen, pouring lines of shots. There are 4 rows of 6, 2 rows with Hennessy and 2 rows with Vodka.

"What's that for?" I ask.

"It's 21 Questions with a twist. You can only ask yes or no questions. If the answer is yes, you take a shot of Henny. If the answer is no, you take a shot of Vodka. If you don't want to answer, you lose a piece of clothing." He explains.

"This just sounds like you're trying to get me drunk and naked..." I narrow my eyes at him.

"That's exactly what I'm trying to do." He smirks and I roll my eyes.


"Open up, Liyah!" Abel bangs on the door. "Are you okay?"

I unlock the door and he's waiting for me.

"I'm sorry that I woke you up screaming. I just feel ashamed." I apologize. I feel dirty honestly. It's not because it was Abel, but because I gave my virginity up to a guy I haven't even known for 2 weeks...

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