the morning after

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I opened my eyes and looked around and saw Taylor asleep next to me and then Gigi asleep on the other couch. Selena was awake next to Gigi on her phone. I suddenly did not feel well so I quickly stood up being sure not to wake Taylor. I ran into the nearest bathroom and I heard footsteps following me which I had assumed to be Selena. I sat down and opened the toilet and threw up. I felt someone grab my hair and hold it back. I leaned over and after a few minutes I leaned back against the wall. I covered brought my legs in and buried my face. Selena hugged me and said, "How are you feeling?" I said, "I'm okay it must have been all the drinking Gigi and I did last night!" Sel laughed and stood up and got me some Advil. I took it and then whipped my eyes. After a minute I stood up and I walked with Selena back into the living room. Selena and I sat on the third couch and turned on the tv. I went on my phone and I saw Harry texted me a lot. The messages went a little something like this:

Brooke where did you go!


I'm sorry I'm a tad drunk. Just kiddingggg

But where are you I'm horny Brookie

Okay I sobered up and I am sorry for all of my texts

But where are you I am worried.

Brooke I saw all of the news and I can explain... Please call me

Okay I'm coming over.

Let me in Brooke. Please

I'm sorry I love you! Let me explain.

Brooke I did not hook up with some one

Please call me.

They then went on and on and on and I honesty got a headache from hearing the same thing over and over again. And to be honest I was so tired of it. After a half an hour of watching tv and relaxing, all of us were up and on our phones. Taylor said, "Do you guys want to go out to lunch?" Gigi said, "Yes I'm starving!" We all nodded in agreement. I said, "We can all shower and get ready and you all left clothes here and you can borrow some!" Selena said, "Okay so we'll be ready in an hour?" Gigi said, "That sounds good!" We all stood up and went into bedrooms to shower. I went upstairs into my bedroom and then I showered. When I got out of the shower I blow dried my hair. I then decided to be sort of lazy so I brushed my hair back and gathered it up into a high ponytail and then I put it all in a high messy bun. I had a few pieces of hair hanging out in the front. I sprayed it with hair spray and then started on my makeup! For my makeup I put on:

Black mascara and black winged eyeliner
Light grey eyeshadow on the lid
Dark brown eyeshadow on the outer crease
White shiny in the corner of my eye
I decided to go for a bold lip. So I put on red darkish lipstick.

I sprayed makeup setting spray. I then went into my closet and picked out an outfit. I put on a short white sleeve shirt and then over it I put on a black leather sort of overalls mini dress ish thing. For my shoes I put on black and white Steve Madden slip ons. I put all of my stuff in my bag which was a black Prada side purse. I sprayed perfume and then I checked my phone and I saw my mom texted me saying:

Be sure to pack we are going to France tomorrow! The flight it at 12pm.

I groaned and then I walked downstairs. I said, "I have to go to France for a week with Harry and his family!" The girls all walked into the living room and I could tell they felt bad. I started laughing and I said, "Okay my life sucks!" Taylor sat down next to me and said, "No it doesn't!" I said, "I know but...whatever let's go to lunch." They exchanged looks between each other and then Gigi said, "Okay we're going to the little sushi restaurant." I nodded and Selena said, "We can take my car it's out front!" I said, "Okay!" We walked downstairs and got into the elevator and rode down to the lobby. We got to the lobby and then we walked through the lobby to the door. Sel and I held hands and Taylor and Gigi held hands and we walked to the car. Selena was driving I was shot gun and then Gigi and Taylor were in the back. We got in and began driving and then we turned on the radio and wanna be by spice girls was on. So we naturally rolled the windows and top down of the car, blasted the music and sang. Not very good but we weren't trying. We took videos and danced. After the song was over we sat back down and I looked at the videos and I chose one of us all singing and dancing and I posted it on Instagram and captioned it saying:

what happens when you put @/gigihadid
@/selenagomez @/taylorswift and I in a car together with the spice girls...
(missing Kenny☹️)

We pulled up to the restaurant and we all got out of the car and went inside the restaurant and Selena told the lady our "name!" She lead us to our table and we sat down. Selena said, "Do you guys just want to get a big sushi platter and split it?" We all nodded and the waiter came back over and said, "Are you ladies ready to order?" We all nodded and he said, "Okay what would you like for today?" Gigi said, "Um... We are all going to split the sushi platter." He said, "Okay and what drinks!" I said, "Can I have water!" Taylor said, "Can I have the same as her!" Selena said, "Me too!" Gigi said, "Me three!" We all laughed and the waiter said, "Okay! I'll have our order to you as quickly as possible!" We all said, "Thank you!" He walked away and Selena said, "Okay so what have you all been doing!" Taylor said, "I just finished my tour so I am going to relax for a while and start writing again!" (Taylor is only a country singer in this story, but she still looks like what she does now!) Gigi said, "Well I am doing a bunch of shoots and campaigns!" We all smiled and I said, "Well I am trying to write my album and then I think I am going to take a break from touring for a year." They all nodded and Selena said, "Well I've been auditioning for movies and stuff so if that works out I'll be doing a bunch of movies!" We all laughed randomly. I said, "So I was thinking about doing another music video with the bad blood girls in it again!" They all smiled and Selena said, "That would be so much fun!" They all nodded in agreement and then our food came and we began eating and talking and 15 minutes after eating I suddenly didn't feel well. I shook it off and then a few minutes later I felt even worse and I thought I was going to throw up! I stood up quickly and walked as fast as u could with out causing a scene. Thank god the bathrooms were individual ones. I walked in and shut the door and locked it. I ran over to the toilet and I immediately threw up. After an awful 5 minutes I was pretty sure I was done. I flushed the toilet and then leaned against the wall. I buried my face in my hands. I heard a knock on the door and then I heard someone say, "It's us open up." I opened the door and they came in and shut the door behind them and I sat back down on the floor. Taylor said, "Are you okay Brooke?" They sat down around me and I said, "Yeah I guess I'm still hung over from last night." Gigi made a weird face, but I was hoping she would stay quiet. I may have not mentioned this but I did not actually drink last night! And what I pretended to drink was not a lot. To tell the truth I have been getting sick for the last few days... But my hopefulness was cut short. Gigi said, "Brooke you didn't drink last night..." They all looked at me confused and she said, "Well you pretended to but I know you didn't actually." I looked down and Selena said, "Brooke are you preg-" I said, "No I'm not I can't be." Taylor said, "Brooke you can easily b-" I said, "No you guys don't get it I can't get pregnant! ever." They stayed silent and then Gigi said, "How long have you been sick." I said, "The past few days maybe a week." Selena said, "And when was the last time you and know." I sighed and said, "I don't know maybe a month, a month and a half." They all looked at each other weirdly and Gigi said, "Did you guys use protection?" I said, "No we don't need to because I can't get pregnant." They went silent and all looked around at each other for a few minutes and then Taylor said, "Brooke I think your pregnant."

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