NEO with Selena

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I felt someone kiss me and I opened my eyes. I saw Harry leaning over me. I said, "Harry it's too early!" He said, "Well it is 7:30 and you have a photo shoot at 9!" I groaned and he said, "Lee dropped off clothes, I asked her so get dressed and then I'm making breakfast!" I nodded and he kissed me on the cheek and left the room. I got up and went into the bathroom and I took a shower. I then blow dried my hair and I put it in a middle part (no surprise there) and then I curled it messily and I put on foundation, bronzer, blush, mascara, and pink tinted Chapstick. I also added a little black winged eyeliner. I saw the bag that had what Lee brought me so I put everything on and I looked in the mirror and I admired my outfit. It was a white high neck sort of muscle cut skater dress. A slit in the middle was sort of more white see through, but then the rest of it was just the same off white color. I put on nude strapped heels and white pearl stud earrings. I then put on a white and silver pearl statement necklace and a white pearl bracelet on my right wrist. For the final touch I put on a green camouflage sort of color jacket with no collar or hood. The bottom of the sleeves were black. Then that was all for my outfit. I grabbed my purse and I put all of my stuff in it and then I went into the kitchen area and I sat down and Harry said, "Pancakes are done!" I smiled and he gave me a plate and at down next to me and I took a bit and I said, "Oh my gosh this is so good!" He smiled and my phone beeped and I checked it and saw Gigi texted me saying:

Hey! At 2 do you and Harry want to go out to lunch with Cody and I?

I said, "Hey Gigi just asked if at 2 you and I want to go out to lunch with her and Cody." Harry said, "Sure! I can pick you up at your hotel after the photoshoot and we can meet them!" I said, "Okay!" He said, "Oh and I know we already talked about this but the camera crew for the sort of wedding special thing wanted to start filming later." I said, "Okay they can come to lunch and film whatever they need to!" He smiled and we finished eating and I then brushed my teeth. I was all ready to go and Harry said, "I'll drive you!" I said, "Okay!" He grabbed his keys and my hand and we went into the elevator. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead. I smiled at him and he said, "You look gorgeous!" I said, "Aw thanks! You look pretty handsome yourself!" He smiled and put his hand on the back of my neck and then leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back, but before anything could get more heated the elevator door opened. We pulled away and he lead me to the back door and we went outside and quickly got in his car and then he started driving. He turned on the radio and we listened to music the whole car ride there and when we pulled up at where the shoot was I said, "Bye Haz thanks for driving me!" I pecked him on the lips and he said, "No problem love!" I smiled and blushed as I always do whenever he calls we that! I got out of the car and closed the door and I waved goodbye and blew him a kiss and then I went inside. The person at the front desk looked up when I opened the door and she said, "Hello you can go to the second door on the left and they will begin to get your ready for hair and makeup!" I said, "Okay thank you!" I went into the room she had told me to and I opened the door and I walked in and shut it behind me. I saw racks of clothes and shoes and makeup and hair stuff everywhere! It was basically every girls dream! I saw a bunch of people setting up the outfits and hair and basically everything and then a girl came over to me and said, "Hello I am Bri and I will be doing your hair and makeup today!" I said, "Hello and okay!" She said, "So we can start whenever you are ready!" I sat down in the chair and she started on my hair and makeup. Around half through Selena walked in and I stood up and I hugged her. She said, "Oh my gosh I haven't seen you in so long!" I said, "I know I missed you Sel!" She said, "Well I am running a little late so I better start on my hair and makeup! I said, "Okay I should finish fine!" Bri finished my hair and makeup and over all it was very natural. My makeup looked like I didn't have any on, because it just made my skin look flawless! My hair was in a side part and curled messily. She handed me a silver metallic shocker with a silver bead in the middle and big silver hoop earrings. I put them on and she then handed me a bag and said, "Here is your outfit you can go in the changing room and put it on!" I said, "Okay thank you!" I took the outfit and I went into the changing room and I put it on and I looked in the mirror and saw it was a white quarter sleeve shirt and in black writing it said Neo 23 and had three thick black lines on both of the sleeves. I then had black leggings, but it had see through cut outs in them and then I had light blue low top Neo sneakers with white on the bottom, and two white strips on the side. The laces then were light purple. I walked out and then Bri said, "Okay you can go into the main photoshoot area!" I said, "Okay!" I went into the photoshoot area and we began taking photos and 2 and a half hours later we were all done! I got all of my stuff together and Selena and I walked out together since she was driving me home! We got in her car and I told her where my hotel was and then we started driving there. She said, "That photoshoot was so much fun!" I said, "Oh my gosh I know right!" She laughed and said, "I literally started freaking out last night when I heard Zayn came back!" I laughed and she said, "But seriously I was so shocked!" I said, "Ya the whole thing was amazing, but leading up to it was not that good!" She said, "Well after I bet was pretty good!" She winked and I said, "Oh my god Selena!" She said, "What I'm just guessing that Harry was pretty grateful!" I covered my face in embarrassment and we pulled up to my hotel. I hugged her and said goodbye and then I got out and the security people lead me inside. I got inside and I went up to my hotel room and I first went into the bathroom and showered, but didn't wash my hair. I then got out of the shower and began getting ready...

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