Chapter 1- 'Dress Shopping'

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It was my eighth grade graduation and I was totally excited! Me and my best friends were going dress shopping and then we were going to get our hair done. I hated getting dressed up, but this is a special occasion, so I'll let it slide. I wasn't a girly-girl and you could tell by just looking at me. I was the girl who would show up in the mall wearing sweatpants and a tank top and I don't like dresses because even though everybody says how good I look in dresses, I still couldn't help but hate the way my body looked.

"C,mon, Ash! It's for graduation! Can't you please just wear a little bit of make-up?" My best friend Miranda gushed.

"For the last time, no, I hate make-up. Just be happy that I'm wearing a dress under my graduation robe, and not sweatpants. C,mon, Cas, can't you back me up on this?" I turned to my other best friend who was smiling down at her phone.

"Uh-oh," Brittany smiled, "boyfriend message. I bet it says 'oh Cas-y, darling, how much I wish you could be here in England with me again....I miss you so.' I bet I'm right by the way Casey is blushing."

We all laughed and walked into Sears in the mall and started to walk around, joking around and picking the ugliest things out for each other. But of course with my luck, it had to end; that laugh that could be heard from across the world was ringing in my ears. I groaned as the others heard it too. Why here? Why now? Why me?

"Couldn't they have come another day? Like tomorrow? Or yesterday?" I whined.

"Um, actually no, because graduation is tonight. Sorry, Ash, but they might be last minute shoppers too." Miranda sighed pulling me in for a side hug.

We continued walking and found the dress section. My eyes found their way to the most amazingly beautiful pair of black converse over by the shoe section and Kelsey found where my gaze was focused and she nudged my arm and shook her head no as in I can't get the beautiful black converse. I stuck my tongue out at her and she slightly chuckled and I just walked towards Brooke. She looked down to me and smiled. When I say looked down to, I mean she had to move her head down so she could see my face. Yes, I know, I know, I'm very short, but I blame my mom for that.

"Sup shorty?" She smiled and I playfully hip bumped her lightly.

"Do I have to wear a dress tonight?" I asked trying to do the cutest puppy dog face I could muster. She shook her head yes and I frowned. I could feel my eyes turning a dark shade of blue. My eyes change from ice blue, to light blue, to sky blue, to dark blue, to black. Ice blue when I'm scared, light blue when I'm happy, sky blue when I'm nervous, dark blue when I'm sad or mad, and black when I'm really REALLY sick.

"C'mon, Ashley, don't be upset, you only have to wear a dress for a few hours, then you can go back to being a guy." Her voice squealed from behind me. That girl always got on my nerves and everyone else's, but mostly mine because of what she did to me.

I turned around slowly saying, "Ha-ha, Rynn. I'm seriously 'dying' of laughter right now! Please stop being so hilarious before I split my sides!" I said sarcastically with a straight face.

She growled and came closer to me ear and hissed, "C'mon Ash, lighten up. Stop acting like your brother. Remember him? What was it again? Dorkis McFuglypants?" She turned on her heels, her clearly dyed bleach blonde hair smacking my face.

I couldn't believe what had slipped out of my mouth before she was out of hearing range.

"Actually, that's your name; my brothers name was Jake." I heard Brooke gasp as she called over my other friends: Miranda, Kelsey, Brittany, Tory, Amanda, Lilly, Scarlett, Margaret, Hannah, and Remi and Rynn took a step closer to me. I have to be honest, I was scared because I knew Rynn could easily take me down because of all the strength in her arms.

"You just opened a world full of ugly." Rynn hissed.

"That happened when your mother gave birth to you." I hissed back.

"Sorry, Rynn, but you walked right into that one." Hillary, her left side-kick chuckled. Rynn gasped as she stomped away pouting with the rest of her gang following her, like always. Hillary stayed for a minute thinking on what she should do.

Hillary looked at me and said, "Hey, sorry about Rynn, looks like someone forgot to take their happy pill this morning." She began to walk away.

"Oh, and nice joke." She chuckled before walking away. I called thanks after her and she nodded going back to Rynn. Rynn would never kick her out of 'the gang' because Hillary through the best parties.

We continued to search for the dresses and ended up getting all of them around 4 and leaving because we already got shoes and jewelry.

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