Chapter 13- 'Hospital Food Sucks'

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Ashley's POV-

I woke up and I was immediately greeted with bright lights and white walks. Where am I? I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut. I hear the door open and then click closed.

I opened one eye and saw Mason standing there with his hair messy like he'd been running his fingers through it.

"Hey! You're awake!"

"And I have a headache. And it's name is Mason." I groaned.

He chuckled and came over to me. I closed my eyes as he sat on the bed next to me. "How you feeling?" He asked me.

"Like complete shit."I reply.

"Understandable. You have a couple broken ribs, a broken leg, a busted lip, a broken nose, and you are covered in bruises."

I groaned. He kissed my nose. "Your my little warrior." He smiled at me then pecked my lips. "By the way, hospital food sucks. If you're hungry, tell me so I can get you Burger King or something." I giggled and he chuckled.

"Oh! And by the way," he said getting closer to me, "you didn't notice, but I kissed the blood of your lip before." I smiled at him and he smiled back. He pecked my lips multiple times. "" He said in between kisses.

I took a deep breath, "I love you too, Mason." His face lit up.

"Really?!" He asked excitedly. I nodded and smiled at him. If he was smiling any more than he already was, I swear his face would break. He leaned down and kissed me passionately on the lips. I didn't really want to have one of our make-out sessions in a hospital, but I don't care right now.

I love Mason.

I fell in love with somebody.

'Whatever falls ends up broken. ' a little voice in my head told me. I pushed that thought to the back of my head.

I won't think of that right now.

Mason licked my bottom lip asking for an entrance. I smiled, but didn't let him in. He groaned and pulled away. "Seriously?" He asked me pouting a little. He crossed his arms and hung his head low.

"Aww! You look like a wittle puppay!" I said while reaching up and pinching his cheeks. I giggled and he smiled. I pulled his shirt a little so he would come closer. I pecked his lips and he smiled . "Better?"

He shook his head no. "You'll make it up to me later. When you're better." He kissed my forehead. "Scootch over." He said. I did and her laid down next to me.

He gently draped his arm around my waist and carefully pulled me closer. He sighed and then nuzzled his face in my neck. He kissed it once then he fell asleep. Wow.

I grabbed the remote from the table beside the hospital bed and turned on Awkward from MTV. I watched it and then I got bored and turned it off.

I grabbed my phone that was on the table too and checked it. I had 13 new messages.

6 from Kelsey.

6 from Alex.

1 from Rynn.

Ugh Rynn.

I checked the ones Alex sent:

12:00- where are you?

12:30- are you okay?

12:45- ashley? Are you hurt?

1:02- I'm gonna kill that boy if he hurt you

1:15- ASHLEY?!?!?!

1:30- usually ur runs in the park don't take this long and you don't take a boy with you....

Wow Alex. Wow.

I checked the texts from Kelsey.

10:02- HEYYY ashley!!!!

10:30- Alex texted me. Weird. Where r u

10:45- tell Alex to stop texting me he's really annoying

11:00- r u okay? Usually you have your phone all the time.

11:30- ill text you later then

11:31- bye

Now it's time for the text from Rynn. I don't even know how she got my number.

12:40- stay away from mason. He's mine. He doesn't want a loser like you so back off. Ur just trying to fit in but honey wake up and smell the roses. You never will you'll always be a loser no matter how you look or who ur with. 3 weeks tops and mason will be back with fucking me and forgetting about u.


Ouch that hurt. I felt tears well up in my eyes but I quickly wiped then away. I texted Alex back first trying not to move to much or I might wake up Mason.

Ah, who am I kidding? He is such a deep sleeper.

I texted Alex back saying, "yeah I'm fine. Just at the hospital. Got in a bitch fight."

Crap. He's gonna be here any minute now.

I texted Kelsey back the same thing and then I just ignored Rynn's text. For now.

Just like I predicted, mason was still sound asleep. Snoring slightly. It was cute. I couldn't see his face, but I could tell his mouth was slightly open. His face was buried in my neck so I couldn't see his beautiful face.

I heard my brothers yelling at the nurses to tell them which room I was in. I heard a stampede and then they knocked on my door.

"Come in!"I said quietly trying not to wake up Mason. They walked in and their eyes widened when they saw what shape I was in. "What?" I ask.

"Y-your face." Max pointed at my face and his mouth hung open.

"Wow, thanks bro. That's the perfect thing to say." I rolled my eyes. He mumbled a sorry and then everyone's eyes wandered over to a sleeping Mason.

"What. Did. He. Do?" Asked max.

"Nothing." I said honestly. He calms down a bit.

"Why is he asleep?" Asked Alex.

"He's tired." Mason mumbled before I could answer. The guys started chuckling while I just laughed under my breath. "Make them go away." He mumbled for only me to hear.

"Guys! You can leave now. Mason wants to sleep in peace, not be bothered by 5 idiots and one adorable little boy." Mikey giggled and clapped his hands. The other five just scoffed. "I'll see you guys later." They came over kissed my forehead- Masons growling didn't go unnoticed by me- and then they left.

"Finally." Mason sighed and kissed my neck.

"When did you wake up?" I asked.

"When I heard them yelling from all the way downstairs in the parking garage. Super werewolf hearing."

"K. Now go to sleep. You sound exhausted." He nodded and kissed my mouth once before falling asleep.

A few minutes later, the nurse came in and her heels were not so quiet.

"For the love of-" Mason said looking up from my neck. "Oh. Hi." He smiled sheepishly. I laughed and he glares at me before laying back down and dozing off.

"Sorry about him." I said. The nurse nodded.

"It time for you physical therapy." She said in some accent I couldn't put my finger on. I nodded and went to get up, but I heard mason growl.

"Mm-mmmm!" He whined. I giggled.

"Mas, I gotta go to physical therapy." I explained.

"Noooooooo!!!!!" He whined and pouted. "You're so cuddly!!"

"So is a pillow. And that's all you'll be cuddling with if you don't let me go." He groaned but reluctantly let go. The nurse helped me into a wheelchair and wheeled me out of the room. Time for physical therapy. Joy. Note the sarcasm.

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