Chapter Twelve- 'I Don't Want to, Really. But its for the best.'

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Mason's POV-

I walked over slowly and I could see that Rynn was smirking.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Oh hey babe! Oh, I'm just taking care of something. Wanna join?" She asks as she lands another punch on Ashley's left eye. Ashley whimpered and I saw the tears start to come out of her swollen eyes.

'What should I do?' I asked my wolf.

'Threaten Rynn.' He said and I could tell he was pissed. I was knocked out of my thoughts when I hear a crack and Ashley cry out in pain. I look down and Ashley is bleeding out of her nose, her left eye is swollen, she has a busted lip, she has bruises everywhere, and she is clutching her right ribs. Tears are flowing down her face.

I clench my fists and look at Rynn. She's kneeling on Ashley's legs and shes getting ready to punch her again. She balls up her fists and is about to bring it in the air to punch her, but I tackle her off.

We land a few hundred feet away from Ashley and I get down next to Rynn's ear and growl, "If you ever come 500 feet away from her, you will face the death penalty. Do you hear me?" She nods and I push her shoulders and run over to Ashley.

"Shit Ashley are you okay?" I ask and grab her hand.

She looks at me and she's crying, "Why do you care? I thought I was just a slut." She whispers.

I shake my head no and say, "Ashley, you're not a slut. You're nothing close to a slut. You're amazing and I didn't mean anything I said back there. I'm really sorry." I didn't realize I was crying until I felt the warm water drop on to my knee.

She shook her head no and said in a shaky breath, "Mason. Just stop okay? You're just gonna make me like you again and then you're gonna pull another thing like this and I'll be hurt again."

"No Ashley. Don't think like that. Can't you just forgive me so that I'll know that you don't hate me? I feel fucking terrible right now, Ash! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really, really, really sorry. I never meant to hurt you."

"That's what you said last time."

She whispered.


"No, Mason. Just drive me home and leave me the fuck alone."

"I can't do that..."

"Why the fuck not?" She asked starting to raise her voice.

"Because I love you and you are my mate. I can't just up and leave you. It's just not what I want to do."

"Yeah because everything's always about you, Mason. Always." She said starting to get up but she could barley get her head off the ground before it going back down.

"Ashley, at least let me take you to the hospital."

"I'm fine. You can just leave."

"Only if you come with me." I said sternly.

"I'm not going anywhere with you."

"I'm not going anywhere without you." She looked shocked but quickly hid it.

"Please, Mason. Just leave." I shook my head no and looked her in the eyes. "I don't want to do this, trust me, but it's for the best."

"No." I said starting to get really mad and depressed. "It's not for the best. Ashley Jefferson, I love you and you can't get rid of me that easily. You can't get rid of me at all. Please, Ashley."

"Mason I-"

"If you're going to say anything about it being for the best, you're so wrong. I love you. Please. I love you."I said kissing her forehead for a good 5 seconds and in that five seconds, I could feel the sparks. Her breath hitched in her throat and she squeezed her eyes shut. "Please?"

"Mason. Mason, stop. Mason, please." She pleaded but I didn't stop kissing her forehead, her cheeks, her jawline, under her ear, and her neck. I kept kissing her. "Mason." I kissed the corner of her mouth. "Mason please don't do this." I kissed the other side of her mouth. "Please." Than I kissed her mouth. She didn't respond for a while, but then she kissed me back.

I carefully put my hand behind her head than was on the ground. I picked her up slowly and carried her bridal style while still kissing her. I gently laid her on the hood of the car while I pulled out my cell phone and called an ambulance.

I never took my eyes off of her as I talked to the people sending the ambulance and they asked if somebody was going to ride with her. I immediately said yes I was. After I ended the call, I walked in between Ashley's knees and rested my hands beside her waist.

She was still clutching her ribs and I began lifting her shirt. "What are you-" she began.

"Shh shh just trust me." I said as I began to lift her shirt again. I looked and saw so many bruises on her stomach and I knew for sure that one of her ribs was broken. My breathing started coming out heavy and Ashley noticed.

She slowly slid her hand off of her ribs and grabbed my hand. "It's fine, Mason." She said.

"It's not fine. It's my fault, it's all my fault." I whispered. I put my head down on her thigh carefully and her breath hitched for a moment then she calmed down.

After a few minutes, the ambulance arrives and I put Ashley on the gurney. I slide into one of the seats and hold Ashley's hand as we drive to the hospital.

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