Chapter 34- 'You Know That, Right?'

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'You Know That, Right?'

Ashley's POV:

Mason and I had calmed down and now we were just lying on my bed watching some TV. I was lying on his chest and he was laying with his back pressed into the bed. I looked up at him to see him already looking down at me.

You know that moment when you feel like you're at the right place, at the right time, with the right person? How you feel like you're in such an amazing place, that you feel like you can fly. You soar up into the sky and you look down at all the tiny, tiny people down below, dreaming, wishing they could be you; all because you're with that one person who makes your heart jump, you stomach turn and the hair on the base of your neck stand up. People wish that they could have the one person like you do.

Well, that's exactly how I feel right now. I am flying above Mt. Everest and I can breathe perfectly, but all that I'm breathing in, is Mason's scent. Yes, since he marked me so many times, my senses heightened. My sense of smell is better, my eye-sight is better and everything just seems better.

"Ashley, I think you should start getting ready, babe." Mason smiled at me, like he was happy that we were going on a date. To be honest, I wasn't excited- I was ecstatic. I felt like everything was perfect and it was all because of Mason. Hopefully, nothing would go wrong this time to make Mason and I fight. Mason has been just amazing and I don't know what I'd do without him.

I would miss his black hair that was so soft, if you touched it, you would fall asleep. I would miss his brown eyes that if you stared into, you would get lost in them. I would miss him diamond earring that he says doesn't even compare to the sparkle he sees in me. Overall, I would just miss him. I have noticed how much happier I look when I'm with him. He brings out the best in me, no matter what kind of mood I'm in.

"Okay. Be right back." I said and made a move to get up. He wrapped his arm around my waist before I could get all the way off the bed.

"Not. So. Fast." He smirked and then when he saw my confused expression he puckered his lips and I smiled. I situated myself to be straddling his waist and leaned down and kissed him. He held on tightly to my waist and gently pushed me on to the bed.

I still had my legs wrapped securely around his waist. I pulled away from him so I could breathe. I felt him go to my neck and I felt his canines sharpen. "No Mason. I don't want to be tired for this date." I breathed. He nodded and I felt him bury his face in my neck, breathing in my scent.

I pulled his face back up to mine and kissed him- it was just a peck, but it was enough to calm him down. I got out from underneath him and walked to my closet. I grabbed a pair of black jeggings. I turned around and shuffled through my shirts. I found a white tank top shirt that goes about half an inch past my waist. Then I grabbed a black leather jacket that stops at the curve of my back and has quarter sleeves.

I bent down with all my clothes on my left arm and looked through all my shoes and decided on black combat boots. I decided to change in my closet so I did and then I walked out, put the dirty clothes in the hamper, and walked into my bathroom. I brushed through my hair and then put it in a messy loose side braid. I brushed my teeth again and popped a piece of gum in my mouth.

I walked out and Mason was asleep on my bed. He was face down with his arms and legs sprawled out. I quietly walked over to him and sat on his back. I layed my head down on his back and wrapped my arms around his waist. I felt him tense and then quickly relax, realizing it was just me. "Hello there." He muttered chucking. I couldn't see his face, but I'm sure he was smiling.

"Hi. You fell asleep." I said back.

I heard him chuckle and then he slowly took me off his back and flipped over. Now I was laying on his chest with my arms wrapped around his waist and my side of my head resting on his chest. "I know. You tire me out." He laughed.

"Me? How? You're the one who marked me how many times?" I laughed and my arms tightens around him and I hugged him closer. I felt his arms tighten around me too and I smiled.

"You have a point. I love you, you know that right? You know that I would do anything for you?"

"I know. I love you too and I would do anything for you too."

"Yeah, but you don't understand. I love you and it's not fair to the rest of the werewolves that they can't have a mate like you." I looked at him dead in the eyes and found no sign of joking or a lie. It was so true. The look of pure truth and sincerity knocked the wind out of me. I leaned down and kissed him. He responded right away and he ran his hands up and down my back, each time going lower and lower. But this time, I didn't mind. I just wanted to enjoy the moment.

I pulled away and said, "So that date?" he smiled and nodded. I unwrapped myself from his body and his arms loosened and I crawled out. I leaned down and pecked his cheek and he leaned up and sat up on my bed then got up and towered over me. I smiled up at him and I could feel his breath on my face. His minty breath came out in short puffs.

"Let's go, baby." Mason took my hand and led me downstairs and to his truck. He helped me in and he buckled me in. He leaded down and pecked my lips before shutting my door and jogging to the other side.

"My teachers hate me, you know." I randomly said while looking out the windshield then at Mason before looking back out the windshield.

"How could someone hate you?" be asked shocked.

"I skipped school...on the first day!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled and said, "As long as you're with me, you won't get in trouble. You won't get hurt." Hearing those words, I knew that I would be with Mason for the rest of my life. I also knew that those words...had many different meanings.


Guys. Read the authors note after this chapter please. Love you guys.


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