Chapter 10

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Chapter 10.

Before I start I would just like to say that yes, throughout this entire book August will be locked up. But only because the events that I've planned have to happen while he's in there. Plus, it would make the book basic and boring (unrealistic) if I had him get out early. How would that even work? However, after a certain chapter the story will move by months. Then I plan to do a trilogy (unless you guys decide other wise.) Then I would just do an epilogue.


"We wanna show you somethin' April."Mya said excitedly over the phone.

I adjusted my phone so that I could see them,"Okay. I'm looking."

"Hey Chay."She said.

"Hey what?"Chay answered.

"Are you ready?"

"Fa' what?"

"Ta' jig."

"Jig what?"


"My hands up high, my feet down low, and dis da' way I jig-a-low."Chay danced.

"Ha' hands up high, ha' feet down low, and dis da' way she jig-a-low."Kay Kay & Mya copied her.

They continued to dance and chant around the camera while I watched with full amusement. It was now two weeks later and the end of October was near. It felt like this year wasn't moving fast enough for me. However, my school year was going just fine.

Because I've been getting back on track with work, I was finally able to complete all of my hours. I was happy to have completed it but sad because that was my source of income. I wouldn't be able to officially start working there until I received my degree next year.

But with university, my classes and grades have gone back to normal. I managed to find a friend in Zay who's been helping me keep my mind off the whole prison situation.

Speaking of that, I talked to August's lawyer a week ago and he explained to me that there was nothing that he could do. However he said that if August maybe did a service within the prison it could help knock down a year or two, so instead of him getting parol in four to five years he'd actually be getting it in three.

When I told him he said he'd think about working in the cafeteria. Though I didn't want to, I asked my Auntie Norma for help again. She said she'd talk to the warden but he wasn't someone to be easily impressed.

"That's a good dance girls."I chuckled.

In order to set the cafeteria ordeal up, the lawyer would have to talk to the judge. So I'd have to meet up with him again some time this week if we get the okay from the warden. I'd also have to pay him so I planned to go to the bank today to take out a few dollars.

"Girl they drives me with dat,"Chandra came into the camera.

"I could imagine."I laughed then yawned."Did you guys have the chance to talk to August?"

"Yeah. We talked to him fa' a lil while. We told him we was gon' come visit fa' Thanksgiving."

"That's good."I yawned again.

"Girl, you tired?"She laughed.

"You don't even know the half of it."I shook my head."I still have a writing assignment to get rid of."


"Not only that. I have to go job hunting today."

"Mm,"She shook her head,"good luck to you girl. I have ta' go feed these kids but text me how it go."

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