Chapter 39

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Chapter 39.


"I'm pulling up to my class right now. We're meeting at the house at seven right?"

"Yeah. I'a be off by then."

"You sure?"


"Okay, love you."

"Luh you too."He said before I hung up.

I smiled to myself before grabbing my things to exit my car. The duffle bag hang loosely over my shoulder as I walked up to my pregnancy fitness class building. 

It is now February 14th, Valentine's Day, and August & I are scheduled for dinner tonight. We planned to do something this morning as well but with our busy schedules there was no way we could fix it up. So we decided upon doing something simple, yet I have this feeling that August has something above and beyond planned.

"Hey April."Meagen greeted me at the door with a smile, her front tooth missing.

"Hi Meagen, thank you for holding the door for me."I walked inside.

"You're welcome!"She shrugged and smiled at me again."My tooth fell out!"

"Really?"I faked shock."Woow, how much did the tooth fairy give you?"

"Ten bucks!"She boosted but then frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, I asked for a daddy but I guess ten bucks is okay."

"But I thought...-Is Klyde not your father?"I said, recalling Judy telling me about her fiancé Klyde. I just assumed that'd be her father.

"No."She pouted sadly."I don't know my daddy."

"Oh."I frowned before hearing our normal work-out music playing in the background."Maybe we should get to the class."

"Okay. My mommy's waiting for you!"She took the lead by skipping away to the room.

I stood behind a little, just thinking to myself, before shrugging the matter off and going into my class.

I took my normal spot in the class, placing my mat next to Judy's. She didn't notice me at first but when she did, she smiled brightly at me.

"Hey you."She hugged me."Looks like you get bigger every time I see you."

"That just might be the case."I chuckled."How've you been?"

"Great. I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your baby shower."

"No problem. I know how it is with going out of town,"I pushed a piece of hair out of my face,"I actually wanna go-"

""She said slowly, her mouth wide open.

"What? What's wrong?"I looked around the room.

"Is that what I think it is?"She pointed to my hand.

"What?"I looked down confused until I realized what she had been talking about."Oh!"

"Oh, is right. When did this happen?"She examined the ring.

"At the baby shower."I blushed.

"Awww, now I really wish I could've made it."

"Don't sweat it, I think my mom caught it on camera."

I pulled my phone out and went into my camera roll, checking for the video my mom sent me. I found it and pressed play, handing it over to Judy so she could see.

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