Chapter 37

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Chapter 37.


"I'll be ready in a minute. Is Zay dropping you two off over here or..?"

"Yeah, he said he'll drop us off."

"Okay, that's fine."I smiled."I'll be waiting here."

"Okay, bye bye."

I hung the phone with Zay's mother and topped up my water bottle. Heather came from out of our kitchen, twirling her car keys around her finger.

"How can you still be fine as hell and pregnant? When I was pregnant I looked like a whale."

"I look like a whale too."I giggled."And sorry for not being properly dressed, I got lazy after my shower."

"Girl duh, who wouldn't be."She chuckled."Plus this is your house. I just popped up on that ass."

"You sure did."I laughed, adjusting my top.

"You know London's pregnant, right?"

"Yeah,"I sighed then plopped on the couch,"my poor friend."

Though believed otherwise by my beloved friend London, she is in fact pregnant.

We don't know how far along yet, because she refuses to go to the doctor, but we do know she is. Lance somehow scammed her into taking the test and he found out then told all of us. She's growing but doesn't notice it...or maybe she does notice it and just decides to ignore it.

Either way she'll be having a baby and in the mean time we all have to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't do anything a pregnant woman shouldn't do.

"It's crazy because she really tries so hard to not know it."She took a seat next to me.

"She just doesn't want to be."

"If you ask me, I say that isn't the case."

"How come?"

She sighed and stopped twirling her key,"When I first got pregnant, Jeremy and I damn sure did not want a kid."

"Really? Does everybody hate kids but me?"

"I didn't hate them I just didn't want one at the time."She chuckled then smiled."But even when he and I would argue, she'd kick inside of me so hard and we'd both stop. Felt like the world itself stopped."

I smiled while watching her reminisce.

"We just knew she was gonna boss our asses around."She laughed then looked down."And when she came and I held her in my arms, it was like I couldn't imagine a world without her. I couldn't believe I didn't want her once upon a time."

"So you think that's how London feels?"I asked to distract her from the memories.

"Huh?"She looked up and blinked.

"What you said, is that how you think London feels and will feel about being pregnant?"

"Uh, yeah."She cleared her throat."Yeah, she's just denying it now because she's scared. I don't know of what because people have different fears with dealing with pregnancy but whatever it is, it's pretty strong for her to be in denial."

I nodded and untwisted my cap of water. Guess she was right.

"Where's August?"She looked around."Jeremy said he was coming over to talk to him."

"Aug said they left a little after two, right when we were on our lunch break."I took a sip of my water.

"Hm."She hummed."Didnt you say he was on a four-wheeler?"

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