Chapter 12

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Chapter 12.


"It's hot as a bitch outchea'."I said while undoin' my jumpsuit.

"Yeen' lyin' bruh."Red spoke."I feel like I'm sweatin' bricks."

We was jus' out on da' yard, choppin' it up by da' court. We only been outchea' fa' a good ten-twelve minutes maybe. Still felt like I was a hunched ova' slave workin' on a plant. I guess that's how prison supposed ta' feel though.

In a few days, it would be my first day workin' in da' cafeteria. I wasn't nervous or not stupid shit like dat. I was jus' hoping dat it would go against my years in hea'.

I really don't wun' waste my life up in hea'. Hea'ing Red story made me feel a lil betta' about my own situation. I found out he was supposed ta' be gettin' out sometime next year and I was honestly happy fa' him.

Hopefully he could work thangs out fa' him and his baybeh mama, resultin' in them gettin' they kid back.

"You? Nigga, I feel like I'm sweatin' bullets."I fanned out my white tee."I'm startin' ta' be grateful fa' dat icy ass buildin'."

"True."He scoffed.

"Can't wait ta' go back inside."I complained."Feel like they trynna bake my ass into some spicy ass chicken."

"Man,"Red smacked his lips,"shut yo' hungry ass up. You just wanna go inside so you could finish readin' them damn books yo' lady brought you."

"And if I do?"I chuckled."Betta' than bakin' outchea' like da' rest of you niggas. Mosquito bites hurt like a mud, yeah."

He jus' laughed at me while noddin' in agreement. As of now, as y'all can see, he on his regular chill mode today. I guess da' solitary confinement situation a minute ago whipped him into shape.

"Ay! Ay! Yo' Red!"One of da' niggas on da' court shouted our way. He was short and skinny, kinda' a dark brown color.

Red put a hand ova' his eyes ta' block out da' sun befo' shoutin' his response,"Wassup?"

"You down to ball or what?"Anotha' one shouted while dribbling da' basketball. He was tall, buff, & black as hell. Like, if it wasn't fa' all this sunlight we prolly wouldn't see his funny lookin' ass.

"Uh, yeah!"Red shouted back then shrugged."I'm down!"

"What about ya' boy?"Black ass asked afta' nodding his head at me. He kinda had a mug on his face but I couldn't be too sho'. I mean, he was a couple feet away from me.

"Yeah. He playin'?"Anotha' one shouted as back up. I'm guessin' black ass supposed ta' be they leader or some dumb shit like dat. I wasn't fa' da' bullshit though. I neva' really paid much attention ta' any otha' prisoners.

They time ain't concern me so whateva' they did was none of my business.

"You on my team or what?"Red looked down at me.

I looked towards da' group of niggas then back towards Red."I ain't really athletic like talkin' bout it.

He smacked his lips,"Yo' ass play 2k right?"

"Fuckin' right."

"Then getcha' scrawny ass up and come play dis' game."

"Aight na' bitch, we bout what and what. You ain't got dat much meat on you neitha'."I stood ta' my feet and dusted myself off.

He chuckled and led da' way ova' to da' niggas. I neva' was really da' type ta' engage in shit like this. Of course I always played basketball type of games electronically, but I neva' really had da' chance ta' play in real life.

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