Chapter 2

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Chapter 2.


"Did you talk to his people?"

"Yeah. They got the news."

"Shit fucked up dawg. Neitha' one of them deserved no shit like this."

"Yeah. We're gonna have to take turns monitoring her, you know."

"I'm down. Lance and I could take the days we're off since you have Roman to look after."

The voices of Lance, London, and Lola filled the room as I came to. I hadn't given any signs of my state to being up but I shifted a bit to get their attention.

"I just got off the phone with his lawyer."I heard my mom step into the room.

"And?"Lola asked.

She sighed,"He said he tried persuading the judge to push the sentencing down a notch but there was nothing he could do."

They all sighed.

"However,"My mom said,"he did say that he's subject to parole within four to five years."

That made them all sigh in a bit of relief.

"Well that's some kind of good news right?"Lola said."Less torture for you-know-who."

I took that as my chance to make my presence known.

"Well you-know-who is awake now."I sat up and stretched my arms.

I caught them off guard since they were facing away from me. I then rubbed at my puffy eyes to get a clearer view of everyone in my room. Lance and London were standing by the window, Lola by the bathroom door, Jacquess and Kennedy next to my bed, and my mom by the doorway. They all had the same concerned look on their faces.

"Uh, hey. How are you feeling?"My mom asked.

"I'm okay.."I shrugged."I heard you guys talking. He's really going in there for a while huh?"

"I'm sorry April. The lawyer really did try."Lola frowned.

"Yeah, and the best he could get was a parole offer after four or five years."Kennedy shrugged."That's good news though right?"

"Yeah..great."I said in a monotone voice while picking with the blanket.

It grew silent in the room and even though I tried my best not to, I ended up crying again. Seeing this they all crowded around me, engulfing me in a group hug.

"It's gonna be okay April,"My mom rubbed my shoulder.

"I-I just don't want him in there."I cried.

"We don't either ma' but that's what makes it better."London said making me turn to her."We all got each other."

"She's right."Kennedy added."Plus, look at it on the bright side. You can visit and call him."

"Yeah. When my brother was locked up we got to see him every Wednesday from twelve to four."Jacquees said.

"See."My mom tried to smile."Isn't that good? Wednesday isn't too far away."

"And you get ta' be wit' him fa' five whole hours if ya' want ta'."Lance added.

Still doesn't beat a whole day being with him.

"Something is better than nothing I guess,"I sniffled and wiped underneath my eyes.

"That's the spirit."My mom clapped.

"Where's dad?"I huffed continuing to wipe away tears.

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