Chapter 31

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Chapter 31.


"Cat gotcha tongue?"I smirked and removed da' duct tape from Nick mouth. He glared at me but I held my smirk and began walkin' slow circles around him.

Carter, Lance, and five otha' niggas filled the large, soundproof basement. They only had two lights in hea' and one was right above Nick head. My duffle bag full of items was within arms reach jus' because I knew it was torture fa' Nick; not being able ta' stop me but also jus' bein' close or stupid enough ta' try.

I felt a lil bit of unease doin' this while April was jus' a few feet above me, but I had ta' get it done. If not I would've lived da' rest of my life regrettin' not gettin' revenge.

Wit' me startin' a family, revenge should be da' last thing on my mind. But I vowed ta' myself dat this would be my last run-around wit' violent acts.

Well, this and handlin' Derek bitch ass.

"Why he still holdin' his mouth close?"Lance asked.

"He don't wanna let dat air in."I chuckled. Tears streamed down Nick eyes cause of da' pain but I refused ta' feel bad fa' him. He deserved this.

"Open up nigga."Carter nodded ta' him.

Tryin' ta' keep up a hard front, Nick squinted his eyes and refused ta' open his mouth.

"We got a defiant ass nigga."Carter chuckled befo' foldin' his arms."Yo' pussy, I said open ya' muthafuckin' mouth."

Nick still ain't listen. Carter nodded ta' himself befo' turnin' ta' his boys against da' wall.


And jus' as quick as I'ca blink, five niggas had they guns pointed towards Nick. I'ca tell he was scared na' by da' way his chest was movin' up and down. Either that or da' shit in his mouth was gettin' ta' him.

"You heard him bitch. Open up. Yeen had no problem wit' openin' ya' mouth ta' da' cops."I yanked his head back by his dreads.

Painfully, he squeezed his eyes shut and pried his mouth open. I grinned and leaned his head forward ta' show off my work.

"Gah DAYUM!"Carter laughed."What the fuck B?"

"So dat's why you needed da' toothpaste,"Lance nodded in approval,"neva' would've thought about dat."

Blood and toothpaste dripped from Nick's mouth all da' while his body shook in pain. When he was out cold a few hours ago, I managed ta' get his mouth open and put a few cuts in his gums hea' and thea'. When he woke up, I poured da' toothpaste in & allowed da' damage ta' sink in.

"Shid, this only da' beginning fam."I smiled ta' myself."Wait till you see what I do wit' da' lemons and da' cigarettes."

"Lemons and cigarettes?"Carter clapped and laughed to Lance."Yo' you tol' me this nigga was crazy but not borderline psychotic."

"Who you tellin'?"Lance scoffed."I ain't know this shit neitha'."

I took my seat across from Nick and folded my arms, puttin' a straight face on. Befo' I went ta' torture this nigga any further, I want a couple of answers.

"So let's recap why you hea' in da' first place, shall we?"I cocked my eyebrow."You fucked up big time."

He rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"And na' you sufferin' da' consequences."I leaned forward a lil."I mean, how you figure you'ca jus' put da' whole blame on Aug?"

He didn't say nun', makin' me take da' knife outta my pocket and jam it in his thigh. Wit' dat action, he screamed ta' da' top of his lungs and hopped up & down in da' chair.

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