Chapter 18

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Chapter 18.


It felt like my foot couldn't press down on the gas pedal hard enough.

The minute Auntie Norma broke the news to us, Heather and I took off to my car. We didn't even know which hospital they'd be going to but once we heard the sirens of an ambulance truck, we caught the memo.

I tried my best to keep it together while driving behind the wheel of the car. My eyes were watery, nearly blocking my vision, but I knew I had to get there safely. Not just for myself or Heather even, but because we had people we cared about to get to. I just hoped whatever the disgusting officers had done to August wasn't something too serious.

"I can't believe they let this shit go on."Heather finally spoke during the quiet yet speedy ride.

I couldn't answer her because I was scared that since I was going so fast I'd screw up and crash. So instead I just nodded in agreement.

"I swear to G if they don't got some kinda repercussions fo' this.."She shook her head."I'm really callin' up some of them 312 niggas. ASAP."

I stood quiet and allowed her to continue venting. I maintained my driving and listening skills, making sure to follow the ambulance all the way to the hospital. I felt stupid when I realized it was the hospital I worked at previously meaning I could've arrived there before them.

The ambulance drove around to the emergency unit while I parked up front. I knew it had to be something serious at that point so I didn't hesitate to hop out of my car and head inside. I didn't even lock the car doors–that's how fast I moved.

To be honest my feet felt like they were cramping but that's the last thing I needed to be worried about.

"April. Hey! What are you doing here?"One of my former co-workers asked after seeing me approaching the front desk.

"Um, my boyfriend was just brought through the emergency unit."I answered quickly."Is he going into the ICU?"

"He should be. It probably hasn't been ran through the computer yet though. Do you know the seriousness of his condition? Surgery wise?"

"I-I don't know."I looked to Heather for help but she just shrugged."He went in with another patient too."

"I'll go run in the back and check to get back to you as quick as I can."She got up from her chair.

I nodded, already knowing the drill. I told Heather to follow me and we both went to take a seat in the waiting room. My chest flew up and down as I tried to calm my nerves. My stomach grumbled loudly so I placed my hand on top of it and patted a bit. It gave me a weird feeling but it helped nonetheless.




"April. April."Someone shook my shoulder.

"Hm?"I hummed sitting up. I hadn't even noticed I fell asleep. I was even more surprised at seeing Zay in front of me."Zay? What are you doing here?"

"Visitin' my momma. I could ask you the same question."

"I'm..uh,"I yawned,"waiting on an update on August."

When the desk girl finally came back, which was probably an hour or two ago, she said he was put into the ICU. I knew that meant I wouldn't be able to see him for hours so while I was waiting I must've fell asleep.

"How long you been here?"He took a seat next to me.

"Uh,"I shrugged and blinked,"I don't know. Couple of hours, give or take four. What time is it?"

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