Chapter 33

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Chapter 33.


"Hey, can you pass me that? I'm heading over to August."I pointed to the mashed potato spoon.

It was now Thanksgiving day and I'm about to head out to the hospital to bring August food. Since an agreement was made between August, the court, & his lawyer, August isn't allowed to leave the hospital until they've come up with a verdict for him. It pissed me off at first but now I just have to think positive. He'll be back to me in no time.

He's scheduled to be discharged from the hospital around seven o'clock tonight and then a few officers will have to escort him to a group home. He'll be staying in the group home until, well, until the verdict is made. If he's set free, he'll be coming back home. If he isn't, he'll be sent back to the prison to serve out the rest of his time.

"April honey, why aren't you dressed?"My mom frowned.

I didn't want to reveal my stomach to everyone just yet, so when they met me at the front door I had on sweats and one of August's hoodies. Aug and I figured we'd have Thanksgiving at the hospital since he couldn't leave, but the court and doctors said we couldn't. So I now had to wait to tell everyone.

"Uh, I don't have anything to wear."I lied."Plus, we're only staying inside."

"No. No. No."She shook her head and took August's plate of food out of my hand."You go get dressed and I'll send your father to bring this to August."

"But I wanted to see-"

"April, don't argue with me about this. Did you even eat yet?"

My stomach growled.

"That's what I thought."She hit my butt."Upstairs, dressed, then eat. August will be fine and fed."

"Fine."I sighed and turned away from her.

I maneuvered pass Kennedy and my Auntie Norma who were deep into conversation before I headed up the stairs. Chay sat in the middle of the stairs, playing along with June and May.

"Having fun?"I chuckled.

"Yeah."She nodded."Whea' you goin'?"

"Get dressed. You wanna dress them for me?"I pointed go May and June.

"Yeah!"She hopped up."Whea' they clothes at?"

"Come on."I started going up the stairs again. She followed behind me all the way until we made it to the guest room."Look in that bottom drawer and you'll see a whole bunch of clothes for them."

"Okay. Thank you Tee April!"

I blushed and smiled,"You're welcome Chay."

I shut the door behind me and walked down to Aug and I's room. Chandra, Travis, Tima, and the girls all got here around two hours ago. Travis said Ms.Sheila couldn't make it down here unfortunately, but I understood and didn't worry too much about it.

All I really wanted to do was dig into that food downstairs.





"You just sign this final time here and you're free to go Alsina."Dr.Swan tol' me.

"Aight."I signed my name."Dassit?"

"That's it."He smiled and held his hand out."Pleasure meeting you August and I hope you get home safely."

"Pleasure meetin' you too Doc. Thanks fa' all ya' help."I shook his hand.

"No problem, was just doing my job. Is April coming to pick you up?"

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