Chapter 16

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Chapter 16.


I shifted on da' hard ass bad fa' da' fifth time tonight. Lawd knows I was starvin' but I knew food wasn't comin' ta' me no time soon. I ain't ate since da' day of da' fight, which was Wednesday.

Today Saturday I believe.

I was put into solitary confinement by Officer Gibson. Who by da' way was mo' than "generous" enough ta' escort me thea'. He taunted my ass da' entire walk but only cause he knew I couldn't do nun' ta' him. Dat pain medicine ol'girl gave me wasn't and still aint workin' wit' a quarter.

Fa' one, I know she ain't no certified doctor which led me ta' believe she stitched my ass up wrong. It feel like da' shit bust open every time I move a muscle. Speakin' of muscles, I felt like da' ones in my arms was about to fall out. They was agitating me and they aching every minute I breathe.

I'ca feel my cheek and eye throbbin' through da' night meanin' they still swollen. I ain't been given no medication since Thursday and bein' locked up in this cold ass room ain't helpin'. It's unsanitary as fuck since ain't no toilet in hea'. Basically meanin' they got piss all ova' the flo'.

"Alsina, you still alive in there?"Officer Gibson laughed.

"Fuck you!"I croaked out.

He laughed a lil louder befo' I heard him walk away. Every now and then a guard or officer would walk pass da' doors ta' make sho' we was still alive. I knew Red was locked up in one of these too cause he was fussin' wit' Gibson a few hours ago.

I knew since I got in Thursday I wouldn't be out till Monday or maybe even afta' then knowin' them. Hopefully Officer Anderson could help me out. Ion know how much longer I'ca be stuck up in hea' wit injuries like this.

I ain't felt this sick since I caught the flu back in May.

"You're burning up Aug."April frowned.

"I'm straight. Don't worry bout me."

It was late in da' evening and I had forgot April said she was comin' ova'. It was earlier on in our relationship so we was jus' takin' shit day by day. Not like we stopped talkin' or nun' but it was a different feelin' fa' us. Good but unusual. Ion wanna say weird cause it was basically da' same situation but we jus'..kiss na' I guess.

"No. Come on. I'll take you to work with me."She tugged on my arm.

"Nah. I'm coo', I promise."I said befo' I coughed.

"Like hell you are. Get up."She tugged again.

I jus' laid thea' and tried ta' pull away from ha'.

"You gon' be late."I warned.

"So what? Your health means more to me."She let go of my arm."Are you seriously just gonna lay there like a dead fish?"

"Yeah."I smirked."Seriously."

"Ugh!"She threw ha' hands up while walkin' out my room."The one time I offer to help you."

"Whea' you goin'?"

"Shut up."She took out ha' phone and shut da' do' behind ha'.

I started laughin' and using my arm ta' sit up against da' headboard. My laugh turned into coughs makin' me hit my chest ta' recover. It took a minute but once it stopped I felt a urge ta' throw up. Somehow, I managed ta' hol' it down.

Three minutes later, April came back into da' room. Confused cause I thought she left, I asked ha' what happened.

"I called off."She shrugged.

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