*Bonus Chapter*

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*Bonus Chapter*

( August 2016 )


"Hm."I hummed, turning in the mirror to examine myself.

"Stop."August said as he stood by the door with his arms folded.

"You just scared the hell out of me."I sighed."But stop what?"

"Stop second guessin' ya'self. You look good."

"And I feel good but these stretch marks.."I turned to the mirror again with a frown.

"Ain't nun wrong wit'em."He walked in and stood behind me."Baybeh, you blessed. How many women could say they snapped back like dis' fo' months afta' twins?"

I blushed and shrugged.

"Hell, you looked good afta' two weeks love."He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my head.


"Really."He stared into the mirror."You look jus' as good as you did the first day I laid eyes on you."

I smirked and turned around in his embrace,"Are you sweet talking me because you care or because I'm in this swimsuit?"

He looked down at me, tugging on his bottom lip to contain his grin."Lil bit of both."

"Pig."I giggled and tried to playfully shove him away.

He held onto my arms and pulled me closer,"It's been fo' long months April. I know you ready ma."

"I am."I spoke truthfully, staring at his lips.

"So what's stoppin' us?"He slid his hands to my swimsuit line. The minute he tried going in, we heard Summer scream loudly. We both sighed and pulled away, just knowing she did that on purpose."I swea' she jus' luh ta' ruin moments."

"That's what you get for teaching her how to scream."I grabbed my bra and panties off the counter to start getting dressed.

He walked out and went to tend to her while I slipped on my undergarments and then my dress. I shouted for him to get the two of them dressed since he's was already dressed and ready himself. I worked on my hair and make-up, taking up to about an hour.

"Okay, I'm finish, go grab the camera to take their pictures please."I said coming out of the bathroom.

"Bout time."He mumbled then walked out of the room.

I ignored his rude comment and went on ahead to my babies.

"Who turned four months today?"I cooed."Huh? Mommy's babies, that's who!"

Summer kicked her legs eagerly with a happy smile on her face while Autumn just stared at me blankly–as usual. August came in with the camera moments later to take pictures of them like I asked.

"Autumn are you gonna smile for mommy?"I cooed, trying to get her to smile.

"It ain't gon' work Phat. She been blessed wit' dat natural mug."August chuckled.

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