Cliché On the 13th - Lashton

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Luke and Ashton are very scared to ask each other out on a date, even though they are head over heels in love. So Malum sets them up.

Ashton and Luke were talking on the phone about nothing and everything. They were both on tour for SLFL in Sydney, Australia.

Ashton was visiting his mum, sister, and brother. Harry wanted to see Luke. Luke, basically had a crush on Ashton. Maybe, Ashton returned the feelings.

Harry, he may be young, but still knew. Ashton thought Luke returned the same feelings, but he had tunnel vision. He wanted so badly to have a future with Luke, he just wanted to believe he returned the feelings.

If only he knew Luke really did.

Luke did think the same thing. Wanting to grow old and have (adopt) kids with Ashton. Luke never called himself gay, but he never called himself straight either.

He didn't want a label, but knew he liked girls and boys, but mostly Ashton. Luckily for Luke, Ashton was bi. His family knew, but not the other band members.

It was a Friday, the 13th to be exact. Friday the 13th, 2016. (Sorry, but picture 2013 fluff ball hair on Ash and high quiff on Luke)

Luke was doing his hair, wanting to look hot and sexy (lolol) for Ashton. They weren't doing anything today, but Luke lived in fear and refused to ask Ashton out on a date. And wanted to look good. But mostly look good!

Ashton did the same. He made sure to not have bed head or bad breath. He made his infamous Ashton Irwin smile, which Luke loved, but Ashton didn't know, in the mirror and laughed at himself. All for a crush.

Michael and Calum finally came in the room, holding hands. Luke came into the suite, and sat on the couch. Ashton finally came in, and saw the only chair was next to Luke. He gladly took it.

Who wouldn't? It's Luke Freaking Hemmings!

Michael noticed the tension, and suggested they spend the day out, exploring the city they used to live in.

Why not? We're Ashton's thoughts.

So the band went out. Michael and Calum holding hands, since the world knew. Ashton and Luke following awkwardly behind them, wanting to do that, but both lived in fear.

(By the way, I'm American and never been to Australia, so just go along with it I don't know. I had to use Google, please go along)

The band went to the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Surprisingly, living in Sydney their whole life, have never been there.

Ashton has never told anybody, beside Lauren, that he hated bridges. Not even Luke. So he was petrified about this. He tried to play it cool, not wanting to make a big scene in front of his "crush". So he was walking along.

They've all had a busy day, hanging with family or each other. Time to relax. Luke hung with his brothers. Ashton with his mum. Michael and Calum on a date.

While walking across, in the middle, Ashton couldn't handle it. He walked closer to Michael. Ashton couldn't breathe, or it was getting harder. The thoughts of the bridge falling down were too much.

Luke being oblivious, didn't notice. Ashton just seemed so vulnerable at the moment, so small and helpless.

Michael stopped walking and Calum got what was happening faster then Michael did himself. Calum told Luke to just walk with him, and yeah, it made Luke disappointed but he went along. Not even looking back.

(I've never gone through this, I don't know)

Ashton couldn't breathe, he just couldn't. his feet were glued to the ground, not matter how much he wanted off the damn bridge.

Michael hushed him and whispered, "Go to Luke"

As much as Ashton wanted, his feet wouldn't move, and he couldn't focus. He couldn't say no or yes or ignore him all at once.

Luke came realized something was up, so he turned around. He saw his Ashton crying and Michael's hands on his shoulders. Yeah, Michael was in love with another boy. But all knowledge went out of Lukes mind.

Back with Ashton and Michael. Ashton tried talking, but he made everything worse. He looked over the edge. Seeing how they were a couple hundred feet in the air, above water who knows how deep, scared the shit out of him.

Ashton couldn't take breathing in little amount of air. He looked at Michael, pleading in his eyes. He soon fell asleep, with chants of,




Ashton snapped awake, covered on sweat. He saw a shirtless Luke and blushed severely. Ashton was crying. Yeah it didn't happen, but he hates bridges so much and he gets nightmares like this every month or so.

Luke sat down on the queen size bed. Ashton had a stressful day, dealing with his mum, Lauren and Harry. They didn't go to the bridge today, but his mum wanted him to. That's probably what triggered this nightmare.

Thankfully, Lauren knew of his fear, and talked them out of it, and they went to Seaworld.

Luke pulled the boy into his lanky arms and just held him.

If only they knew both of them wanted them together.

Luke turned to the clock, which read, 3:47 am.

"Hey Ash" Ashton's heart fluttered at the nickname. "I think we should get to bed now." Yeah, both of them were tired, so why not?

"Do you want me to stay with you, or go?" And who was Ashton to deny cuddling with Luke Hemmings?

Luke just held Ashton til he fell asleep.

He whispered into his ear, "I love you"

And who had to know beside Ashton that he heard Luke's words.

Just a cliché love story on the 13th.


thanks babes for reading xx


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