What The Hell - Lashton

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This one is short, and just one of those 'i was bored so i messaged a random kik user' type things. I just based this off of my conversation with Ashtonsbae1 so thanks for this! Xx

Luke: Hey, are you a keyboard? Cause you're my type ;)

Ashton: Excuse me, I don't even know you, and vice versa

Luke: Are you wifi? Cause I'm feeling a connection

Ashton: ...again, you don't know me...

Ashton: wait, i've read a book like this.....

Luke: If you're feeling down, I'll feel you up

Ashton: you don't even know my gender

Luke: Are your legs made of nutella? Because I'd love to spread them

Ashton: Ive never had nutella

Luke: Are you a termite? Because you're about to have a mouth full of wood.

Ashton: you don't even know my sexuality...

Luke: Are you from the ghetto? Cause I'm about to ghetto hold of dat ass

Ashton: well i do have a big ass, so.....

Ashton: And no i'm from sydney

Luke: Do you live on a chicken farm? Cause you sure know how to raise a cock

Ashton: Heard that before. And i wouldnt be living on a chicken farm, im vegetarian

Luke: Hey I lost my virginity, can I have yours?

Ashton: what if i dont have one?

Luke: Hey lets play Barbie. I'll be Ken and you be the box I come in

Ashton: you clearly won't man up and tell me your name, so are you even a male?

Luke: My name is Skittles, wanna taste my rainbow

Ashton: no thanks, i dont even know your name.

Luke: Know what's on the menu? Me-n-u

Ashton: Me-n-u know who's cute? Zayn Malik

Luke: You're just like my little toe, I'm going to bang you on every piece of furniture in my house

Ashton: wear some proper shoes.

Luke: Do you mix concrete for a living? Cause you're making me hard

Ashton: no im a minor

Luke: Do you work at Subway, cause you just gave me a footlong

Ashton: you dont got a dick thats a foot long

Luke: I may not go down in history but I'll go down on you

Ashton: No thanks stranger

Luke: Do you work at UPS? cause I swear I saw you checking out my package

Ashton: No. I already said i'm a minor. gosh. Keep up

Luke: Are you a motorcycle? Cause I'll ride you all day

Ashton: what if i don't have a dick?

Luke: I hope you like dragons, cause I'll be dragon my balls across your face tonight

Ashton: what balls?

Luke: I may not be a window repair man, but I can still fill your crack

Ashton: No. But are you an elevator, cause id go down on you

Luke: Lets play titanic. You be iceberg and I'll go down

Ashton: okay michael clifford

Luke: I'll treat you like my homework, I'll slam you onto the table and do you all night

Ashton: Everyone hates homework. They never do it

Luke: Hello, I'm Luke.

Ashton: Finally, you tell me your name. I'm Ashton.

Luke: I have a question for you.

Ashton: okay shoot

Luke: Are you a magician? Cause whenever I look at you everyone else disappears

Ashton: Thats actually sweet, i won't block you now

Luke: ;)

Ashton: yeah nevermind

Luke: ashton? [ERROR]

Luke: ASH?! [ERROR]


Luke: ashton i dont know your middle or last name so get ur ass back here.

Luke: wait, you read it!


Ashton: hello

Luke: its me...

Ashton: youre done.

Luke: NO [ERROR]



Ashton: i wont be fucking you anytime soon


purely boredom and a regular conversation made this, go thank Savannah for this


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