San Francisco - Cashton

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-hey sorry ive been inactive ive been stuck writing a new story lmao and now ive got to do the dances to lion king. plus my damn teacher-

Full Title: San Francisco (Cashton)

Author: heckarikki


"So much has changed," Ashton said, breaking the silence that had hung over us previously. He was slowly running his fingers through Calum's hair, the most comforting feeling in the entire world. They were in his bed, where they spent most of their time, and yes, that's as dirty as it sounds. But tonight wasn't one of those nights. Tonight, they just needed to be near each other. Sure, they'd bought stuff for another separate bedroom, but that was just for the media and fans. They didn't need to know they were sharing. Not yet, anyway.

"Yeah, it has," Calum said, smiling into Ashton's chest. "Not that I'm complaining."

"Me neither," Ashton agreed quickly. "Just... reminiscing."

It was silent for a few minutes, just Calum's head on Ashton's chest listening to him breathe. These moments were always Calum's favorite. Or, some of his favorites anyway. "Remember right after ROWYSO ended, that day we went to the beach?"

"Yeah," Ashton said. "That was amazing." Being back home had been so familiar, but also so different, because of the, well you know, the whole international rock star thing.


"Please? I haven't been to the beach in like, years."

"We were there a few months ago, Calum," Luke pointed out.

"Well, it feels like years," Calum retaliated.

"I think we should go," Ashton put in.

"That's only because you're fucking whipped for Calum," Mike whines. "You don't even want to go, either. Nobody does but him."

"Don't talk about me like I'm not here," Calum snapped.

"Can we not fight about the beach?" Luke said, rolling his eyes. "Why can't you two just go by yourselves?"

"Because ever since Calum and I started dating you guys never wanna do stuff with the band," Ashton whined. "Just because I'm hopelessly in love with Calum doesn't mean I don't wanna spend time with you guys too."

"I love you too, babe," Calum said, leaning his head up and pecking Ashton's lips. He tried to deepen the kiss but Ashton pulled back, smiling apologetically.

"See?" Mike groaned. "That's why we don't want to go out with you guys."

"Shut up, we're a band, we're all best friends, we're all going," Ashton said. And of course, they all agreed, even if it was reluctantly.

"Fine, but if you guys fuck on the sand, I swear to god," Mike said, the vague threat sounding nothing but amusing coming from his mouth.

"I think I can keep my hands to myself for a few hours," Ashton promised, burying his face in the top of Calum's head. "Maybe."

"Fuck this, I'm getting ready," Luke mumbled, standing up. Michael was quick to run after him, clearly not wanting to be left behind with the other two.

"Be back down in fifteen!" Ashton shouted after them.

"Fine!" Michael shouted back.

As soon as they were gone, Ashton looked down and was surprised to see a frown on Calum's face. "What's wrong, baby?" He asked, lacing their fingers together.

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