My Life Is Gone - Lashton

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Wattpad fucking deleted half of it, so this is why its so damn late. Words like this aren't Luke's POV, just so you know. There aren't a lot of parts like that, again. I also added another one year difference between Lashton. Luke's turning 18 soon, while Ashton just turned 21. (Luke- 1996. Ashton- 1993.)


Today was the day I was telling my mother about my sexuality.

I prayed that she would accept me. My life went down hill when my father left. He just left. No note, just nothing.

My brothers, Jack and Ben, I wasn't close to them. I disconnected with society basically. I left all my friendships, and became friends with lyrics.

Music was my friend. One and only. It never left, and was always there. It was next to me when I was crying my eyes out. It was comforting me, telling me I wasn't as alone as I thought.

It made me more confident. It made me find myself. All thanks to the bass lines, drum beats, and guitar parts.

The one line which got me through life.

"It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right."

It inspired me to come out of the closet today. It's unpredictable, but hopefully will lead to something good or right.

I walked down the steps, into the kitchen where countless memories, good and bad, had occurred. I was wearing my lucky Green Day shirt.

My mother was making dinner for my brothers and myself. They weren't home, but I prayed they would be soon.

"Hey Mum, can I tell you something?" I said in a shaky voice.

"You can tell my anything." My mum said after turning around. If only I knew then, that it was a complete and utter lie.

"Mum. I'm uh." I stopped. I needed to do this. My mother gave me a sign to keep going.

"I'm gay Mum."

Her smile fell from her face. This wasn't good. The phone in my skin tight jeans was pointing out to her vision for some reason.

"Give me your phone." She said. I tilted my head, "Why?"

She glared at me, "Because I fucking paid for it." After that, I quickly pulled put my phone and handed it to my mother.

She put it in her pocket, and pushed me out of the kitchen. I thought she was gone, but nope. She walked right over to the front door, and said, "I don't want a fag for a son. Get the fuck out now."

I was shocked and didn't move. "Get out now!" She yelled which caused me to run out the door.

She slammed it shut in my face and locked it.

I could just stay there until my brothers came back, but what was even the point?

I walked away from my childhood, the place where you are meant to be safe. The place most take advantage of. The place where I had so many memories

Rain fell down to the Earth. Its almost as if angels were crying for me. But I, myself, wasn't crying. I was just thinking.

Thinking about where I'd stay, how I would fend for myself, how I'd even survive.

The sky seemed to darken quickly, as it completely matched my mood.

Once the sun went down fully, I could hear the footsteps behind me, hitting with a force due to the wet pavement.

It was July 7th. I was certain this person behind me was going to kill me soon, so I wouldn't even make it to my 18th birthday.

Luke Robert Hemmings
July 16th 1997-July 7th 2015.

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