The World - Lashton Fluff

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-this is so cute i cry-

Full Title: the world looks better through your eyes (lashton)

Author: hemwinning


I fell in love next to you, burning fires in the room.

It was Ashton's 21st birthday, meaning his full intentions today were to get absolutely smashed.

He walked into the bar, anticipating the bouncer asking him where his ID was. He'd then hand it over to him. His name was Ashton Fletcher Irwin, born in Hornsby, Australia, born on July 7th and he was officially 21 and ready to get hammered.

"C'mon Cal! Hurry the fuck up, I'm going to be 22 by the time we get there," Ashton groaned. One of the big milestones for any person was turning 21. At that age you were to have your first legal drink of alcohol. But unfortunately for Ashton, he might not get to the bar for a while.

Ashton pulled Calum towards the entrance of the Green Light and proudly handed the bouncer his ID. The bouncer nodded and as the two walked by, Ashton swore he saw him roll his eyes. Ashton gasped at the busyness of the bar. The music was blasting to the point where the people in America could hear it. Bodies were everywhere, he could barely even see the floor.

"This is so cool, Cal, oh my god! C'mon," Ashton grabbed Calum's arm and dragged him to the bar. The bartender looked at Ashton as if he knew that he had never been to a bar before.

"Hello, what can I get you?" Ashton looked at Calum and then back at the bartender, "Can we get four shots of vodka?"

Soon enough, two small shot glasses were placed in front of Ashton. He gulped down the first shot, not waiting for Calum. The liquid burned as it went down his throat but it was a good burn. He liked how buzzed it made him feel. Ashton felt very mature, now that he's had his first ever shot. In no time he drank the other one in, already feeling the slight dizziness.

Ashton giggled, "Let's go, Cal, I wanna find a hot guy!" Ashton took Calum away to the dance floor. He heard his friend muttering, "Fucking lightweight twink," before being dragged by his curly haired friend.


"What the fuck is wrong with you," Luke was pushed against a wall by a broad man with dark eyes.

Luke bit his lip, "Look, mate, it was just an accident and a misunderstanding. I'll leave your boyfriend alone and you won't hurt me, okay?" He tried to compromise, but apparently the guy wasn't having it.

He punched Luke square on the jaw. The blond collapsed immediately, groaning in pain. The man kicked Luke in the stomach repeatedly, giving him no chance to breathe.

By now, a decent sized crowd had collected around the boys. Luke had made the guy lose his balance and fall over. Luke smirked in triumph before connecting his fist to his right eye.


Ashton went to go get another shot for Calum when he heard the loud shouts. He looked over to the source to see a growing group of people crowded together. Ashton squeezed through all of the people and was able to see what was going on. A blond man with a bloody nose was –quite literally– beating the shit out of the other guy.

Luke was drunk on the satisfaction of kicking this other guy's ass. He knew he should probably stop before he actually beats him to death, but the groans of pain were oddly satisfying to the blond. That kind of troubled him, but he ignored his conscience and continued punching the man.

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