Blake Shelton or Green Day? - Lashton

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Ashton is new to the town of Jackson, Tennessee. His new neighbour, Luke Hemmings, has the most annoying accent ever, but is somehow obsessed with the town of Hornsby, Australia.

-lol sorry if the slang sucks, i googled it for like a minute, if its incorrect im sorry im not southern or aussie-


Everything Ashton Irwin had known, was being taken away from him. He was a bit happy about it too. His mother told him to only take the things he really needed, as they were moving.

Ashton didn't have many friends, not one real close one at all. So, he just packed up his stuff, and left the town of Hornsby, Australia.


As the plane landed, the new country was in view. America. Well, Tennessee was. He was landing on the runway in an airport called, 'McKellar-Sipes Regional Airport' which seemed quite nice.

For some reason, his parent, well his mother, wanted to sell everything and move halfway across the world. Ashton didn't care, he also wanted a new start. No one knew him. Nothing about him.

As they got out of the plane, there stuff was already shipped to their new house. They got in the taxi and drove to the place they'd call home.


Boxes everywhere in Ashton's room. He really wanted to unpack them, but was suffering major jet lag. He just took out his blanket from his carry on and laid down on the mattress that laid in his room. He was tired and wanted a nice sleep here in America.


"Alright Ashton, we're going to go meet the neighbours, I suggest you come with us." Ashton sighed and followed his mother and younger siblings. It has been a day since they entered the new house, and all Ashton wants to do is unpack the boxes in his room.

His mom locked the door and the three kids (one teenager, one pre-teen, and one kid) followed suit. They walk to the house across the street, and Anne knocked on the door.


When Anne pulled her fist away from the painted maroon door, not even a minute later someone opened the said door. A boy who had blue jeans, riding boots, a blue and white flannel on open the door. "Howdy y'all. What can I do for ya?" He asked with the thickest country accent Ashton has ever heard in his life.

"Hello. We're the new neighbours who live across the street. I'm Anne and-" and motioned to the kids to introduce themselves.

Ashton waved timidly and said, "Hey mate. I'm Ashton." then looked towards the younger kids who looked lost. "This is Lauren and Harry." The blonde boy then smiled and shook Anne's hand, "I'm Luke! That's a darn cool accent y'alls got there! Where ya from if you don't mine my askin'?" Anne chuckled at his 'southern slang'. Ashton wanted to use his thickest Aussie accent, since Luke's southern one was so thick, it sounded fake.

"Good onya, mate! We're from Aussie! Sydney to be exact." It was very thick and hard to quite understand, unless you were Aussie yourself. This caused all three other Irwin's to snap their heads up at the oldest kid.

Luke gave a confused laugh, and said, "Thick accent ya got there partner! I'm sure my mother would be happy as a dead pig in the sunshine if y'all could come in. I got me two older brothers and they be ugly." Luke opened the door a bit more and let the four in.

This caused Anne to chuckle and walk in. Ashton was still questioning what he meant. 'Happy as a dead pig in the sunshine?' and 'they be ugly?' Ashton really didn't understand this 'slang' Luke was using.

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