Lactose Intolerant - Jamilton

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-hamilton lowkey crushing on jefferson but doesn't tell him a vital part of his health. they end up dating and yeah. he's not married though and no reynolds affair and no duels. its 2017 in this.-

-ps i wrote this myself, and i'll be publishing it on AO3 soon-

"Figure it out Alexander. That's an order from your commander." George Washington said at the most recent cabinet meeting. He walked off, leaving Hamilton alone. He groaned; he had to get Jefferson and Madison to vote for his plan. He hated the Southern men, but he supposed he could make do with them, as this plan was really important to him.

As he walked out of the room, and was on the way to his office when he got stopped by the one and only Thomas Jefferson. He looked down slightly to meet Hamilton's gaze and said, "Hamilton, Madison and I have come to an agreement that if you meet us for dinner, we will be willing to hear the full extent of your plan. Though, we may not vote for it," Jefferson smirked but continued, "We will hear you out." 

Hamilton slightly stunned that his two enemies, well besides Burr, were willing to hear out his plan. "Yes, I would be glad to join you and Madison. May I ask you when?" Hamilton said in a composed tone, not liking it but wanting to appease to Jefferson, so he may consider voting for his plan. 

Jefferson smirked once more and said, "This Friday night, 57 Maiden Lane. Six thirty o'clock. Be there and we will hear you out." He walked away quickly, as his long legs were a gift from the gods. Hamilton shook his head when realising he was staring at Jefferson's insanely long legs. 


Hamilton parked his car in the parking lot just around the corner from the place. He walked up to the door and shook the memories from the conversation he had with Burr right before he left. Burr seemed shocked that he was meeting someone for dinner, as he normally "spent all Friday nights writing til the sun rises the next morning." Hamilton didn't bother telling Burr he was having dinner with Madison and Jefferson, but he check his phone, seeing it said 5:45 PM with a text from Jefferson, reminding him of the dinner time, and that the reservation was under his last name.

He took a deep breath, and opened the door of the restaurant. He walked up to the booth with a lady and a computer stood. She said, "Oh hello! My, you look quite familiar, and if you don't mind my asking, what's your name?" Hamilton chuckled and looked at her name tag, Peggy. "My name is Alexander Hamilton." 

The girl, Peggy, laughed and said, "Any chance you're the Alexander Hamilton, as in the Secretary of Treasury?" Alexander nodded and said, "Why yes, that's me! How do you know?" Peggy had a light blush coat her caramel skin and said, "Sorry! I just, I'm like obsessed with United States Government and Politics!" 

Alexander smiled and said, "Well, if you have any questions, I'd be willing to answer them after tonight, as I'm meeting someone here. Oh, and I can give you my e-mail if you'd like." Peggy smiled brightly and said, "Yes yes, of course Mr. Hamilton! Though, I don't see your name anywhere on the list tonight..." 

The secretary let out a small and awkward laugh and said, "Um, that's because it's under the name Jefferson..." Peggy snapped her head up to Alexander who quickly defended and said, "I know I know, you most likely know about our tendency to disagree," Peggy let out a small laugh, though he kept talking, "But him and I, along with James Madison are meeting for dinner to talk about work."

Peggy nodded and said, "Ah, well, may I walk you to your table Mr. Hamilton?" Alexander nodded and said, "Peggy please, call me Alexander." Peggy stepped out from behind the booth with three menu's and escorted Alexander to his table. "Mr. Madison and Mr. Jefferson are not here yet, as you're slightly early. Though, I will put it in the system that you arrived."

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