The Storm Chaser - Lashton

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Taller Ashton, Shorter Luke. Ashton's about 23, Luke is 18. Ashton has curls to his chin basically, while Luke has a quiff like the one in the Don't Stop video.


This wasn't the plan.

The plan was to get on the plane coming from Australia, get off the plane, then explore Kansas. Luke never thought that the worse could happen but it did.

But let's back it up a bit.


After months of boring, but stressful high school, graduation finally came. His mother and father, who had loads of cash, let Luke go anywhere he wanted after finishing high school.

Now, most people would pick New York City or Los Angeles. But not Luke. He pick the middle of nowhere. Well, almost no where. A plane ticket for one 18 year old was bought, for:

Wichita, Kansas.

His mother and father weren't exactly pleased. But Luke wanted to go there. His parents wanted him to go to a place where lots of memories would be created.

To Luke, Wichita Kansas was the right place for lots of great memories.

He spent half of the day packing his bags. It was a long flight. It was about twenty-one hours going from Sydney to Wichita.

He had to use 'Google' to find out the weather for the two weeks he was going to be there. His parents had to get him a passport and all that stuff.

He packed up all his shorts he owned, as it would be blazing hot. He did pack some skinny jeans as well. All the muscle tees he owned were put into bags. And shitload of deodorant.

Once his bags were packed, he put them by the door. Just five more days til he would get on the plane.


The next five days passed way too slow, in Luke's opinion. For his parents, they went too quickly.

It was June 24th 2015, about 4 am, when Luke's alarm went off. At first, he thought someone was messing with him. There is no way in hell Luke would get up at 4 am.

Except for a plane.

He hopped out of bed once the thought hit him. He put on his one pair of black shorts that weren't packed, and a black blink-182 t-shirt.

He quickly brushed his teeth, and put his 'bathroom stuff' into a plastic bag, into a different bag. He made a cup of coffee for himself, and ate a leftover piece of pizza. He finished both in no time, slipped on his older vans and grabbed his keys.

He put them into the ignition and started up the car. His parents would pick it up from the airport later that day.

He grabbed his carry-on, and his two other bags. When he finally entered the Sydney International Airport, which caused a huge grin to come across his face.

He walked over to gate H, and sat in one of the seats. He had a pretty good seat on the plane, the benefit of having rich parents. Luke also had a rental car waiting for him in Kansas.

Luke took out his phone, which he almost forgot, and read the time. 5:02 am

The plane was boarding at 5:35 am, so he just stared at the planes coming and going, while still watching the sun rise.

"Gate H, flight 235 is now boarding", after those few minutes had passed.

Luke stood up in no time, while grabbing his stuff and walked over to the gate. He handed the lady his ticket and his passport. She nodded and smiled, "Have a nice day, Sir." Luke grinned and nodded.

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