You're So Innocent (Part 2) - Lashton

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As Ashton woke up, he noticed the fluffy blonde hair touching his chest. For a moment, he forgot everything, then it all came back.

The party, Luke, the talks.

A smile was brought to his face when He fully noticed their position. Luke laying his cheek on the bare chest that belonged to the one and only Ashton Irwin.

Every once and a while, Luke would nuzzle his head, as if he was trying to get even closer to Ashton. Which wasn't possible.

Ashton just stayed content, watching the young boy sleep. He's actually really thankful that Luke didn't wake up again.

About thirty minutes passed, when Luke started to turn in his sleep. Ashton wanted to wake him up before anything happened.

"Lukey. Hey, you should get up now." Ashton said in a very soft tone.

Luke just groaned, cause a chuckle to come from Ashton.

"Luke, time to get up." Was said in the same exact tone.

Then he saw the blue orbs he loved. Luke must not have even thought about the postion, because he nuzzled his head again, but still stayed awake.

He'd be damned if he fell asleep again. And, why would he miss time to hang out with a very attractive slightly older man.


"Luke, Ashton! Come get breakfast!" Luke groaned again, something he'd be doing a lot today.

The boys walked down the steps, into Luke's kitchen. Well it wasn't really his, but still.

There were pancakes on two plates, and also a side of bacon. Ashton wanted to glare at the bacon. Why would someone kill an animal just to get meat anyways. It's also unhealthy.

"Here boys, I made you some pancakes and bacon, but I have to go to work early today." Liz said smiling, but still grabbing her stuff.

"Thanks mum. Love you, have a good day."

"Thank you for the food Liz. Have a great day."

Liz walked over to them, and kissed Luke's forehead, and rubbed Ashton's shoulder. It was like another small thank you for the party yesterday.

Ashton and Luke sat down. And as much as Ashton liked how Luke was, he wasn't going to change.

"So um, you want my bacon?" Ashton spoke softly.

Luke looked up and the man and shook his head. "Why don't you want it?"

Ashton just look down a bit and said, "I'm a vegetarian, that all."

Luke was a bit shocked, but it wasn't anything major or life changing.

"Oh that's cool, but just save it. Give it Michael when he comes over."

Ashton raised an eyebrow at that innocent boy's reply.

"He always comes over at like 8:00 am, then eats some of my food, then falls asleep. That's one thing I love about Michael though."

It struck a cord in Ashton to hear 'I love about Michael' come from this young boy. But he just shook it off.

It was nothing.


A week passed, Ashton going to work, and Luke going to school.

They've have not seen each other in a week. Which killed them a little.

Luke was always looking over his shoulder for Calum. He didn't know Calum at all. He couldn't tell if he was older or if he truly knew him.

When Luke was walking home, he kept hearing things. He thought it was just his mind, but no someone really was there.

Luckily, it was just Ashton.

It was his day off from work, and he saw the small blonde boy walking home from school, so he tried to catch up.

"Luke!" Ashton called out, which made Luke walk faster, because holy shit they know my name!

"Luke! Its Ashton!"

And that in itself made Luke freeze, and turn around and smile when seeing the jogging dimpled lad.

Once Ashton caught his breath, he asked Luke, "How was school?"

Luke rolled his eyes; what was Ashton expecting? 'Oh Ashton! It was amazing and we learned so many things and I cant wait to go back on Monday!' because no. He just went with, "It was okay." instead.

Ashton nodded, "Is it okay if i go down to your house? Like with you?"

Luke raised an eyebrow.

Ashton sighed, "I'm not just going to walk to your house without asking. Consent is always something I'll ask for, even if its just with something small."

Luke quickly blushed and realised, he's the one.


hey guys im done, i wanna finish my other ones so here. its shit, but oh well!'


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