Ageplay - Lashton

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Author: cherrieperrie

Full Title: Lashton Ageplay 2


It started when Ashton caught Luke sucking his thumb during scary movie night. They were half way through The Killers 3 when Michael announced they were out of popcorn and volunteered Calum to get some more. So after a quick argument between the two, Ashton finally kicked them out (very literally, actually) and made them both go up before assuming control of the remote and pausing the movie.

"Lukey?" Ashton looked over at the dark blue blanket next to him, glancing at the sprigs of golden hair that popped out from the top of it, being the only part of Luke that was showing.

Ashton lifted the fuzzy thing just in time to see Luke snatch his thumb out of his mouth.

He couldn't keep from giggling.

"Lukey, were you sucking your thumb?" Ashton broke out into a harsh fit of laughter as Luke squeezed his eyes shut and tried to tell himself this hadn't happened.

"I wasn't-"

"Oi!" the curly haired one called. "Luke was sucking his thumb! I'm so fucking Keeking this."

"No!" Luke squealed and tried to push Ashton's threatening phone away. "Stop, I wasn't-"

"Luke, here, was just trying to suck his thumb because he's a big baby when it comes to scary movies." Ashton flashed his phone towards the T.V. screen, trying to avoid his friend's kicking feet.

"He also throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way." It was back on Luke's red face now.

"Ash, please stop," He whimpered quietly, but Ashton would have none of it.

"What's that, Lukey? D'You want a bottle now?"

That did it for Luke. He angrily got up and sped up the stairs to his room. It was his mom's house after all, so he could control where he went, especially when she wasn't there.

"What's wrong, mate?" He heard Michael's voice say, but he ignored it and slammed the door.

Downstairs, Ashton was still giggling and posting the Keek for all of the fans to see.

"Ashton, mate, maybe you should go talk to him," Calum said, coming in from the kitchen with a giant bowl of fresh popcorn. "I don't think I've ever seen Luke that upset."

The curly haired boy sighed and walked slowly upstairs to Luke's room. It was just a joke after all. Why should Luke be so disheartened by it?

"Lukey?" Ashton said softly, knocking at the door a few times before letting himself in. "Are you alright? It was just a-"

He stopped mid-sentence as he took in his poor best friend all tangled up in the bed sheets with quiet sobs coming from his mouth.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Lukey boy. It was all just a joke. You know that right?" He came over and sat on the bed, causing Luke to stiffen up.

"If it was any of the other boys, I would have done it to them, too."

Luke wiped his eyes and stared angrily at Ashton.

"Don't you ever think?" he spat. "Maybe that's a coping mechanism that I have when it comes to things that make me anxious. Maybe I need to act younger in order to feel better."

Luke blushed at this last sentence, ready to leave the room out of embarrassment, but Ashton grabbed his arm, still surprised that his usually quiet friend had gotten so mad.

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