Kiss Me Kiss Me - Malum

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-happy thanksgiving-

Full Title: Kiss Me Kiss Me - A Malum One Shot

Author: beingunpredictablewith5sos


It was another day of another sound check for another show in another city; It was just a normal day for the boys until one fan question threw a curve ball at them...

"If you could date any other band member, who would you date and why?" A fan asked

"Probably Calum because as much as he pisses me off sometimes, he's my best mate too" Michael said without much thought, earning a wave of ''awwwww's from the people at the sound check.

"You answered that fast" The fan remarked with a smirk and a raised eyebrow,

"Yeah well we get asked that a lot..." Michael pointed out as he rubbed the back of his neck with nerves

"So that's your only reason?" The fan asked with a smirk, not 100% convinced

"Yeah I'd never date Calum" Michael told them

"Wow I feel so loved!" Calum said sarcastically in response.

"I mean it in a 'it would never work' way not a 'I don't want to' way" Michael clarified

"So you want to date him!?" The fan asked while grinning, having caught Michael

"Wha- No!" Michael insisted

"Then why are you blushing?" The fan asked, giggling

"I'm not!" Michael said defensively

"Oh my god you are!" Luke pointed out

"So that means you do wanna date me" Calum said with a smug smile "Can't say I blame you, I'm awesome!" Calum boasted, raising his hands as he did.

"Shut up." Michael muttered

"Make me" Calum challenged


"Ohh is wittle Mikey scared" Calum teased

"No I just don't wanna kiss you!" Michael insisted, raising his voice

"Who said anything about kissing?" Calum asked with a raised eyebrow

"I...just, just shut up" Michael replied, walking to the other end of the stage and getting a drink of water in an effort to avoid the subject.

"Fine but, uh, just so you know I'd date you too" Calum noted, and with that; Luke and Ashton gave their answers, the topic was dropped, and they moved on with sound check.

After sound check there was awkward tension between Michael and Calum which all of them picked up on but nobody brought into the conversation. Michael was fidgety and was plucking aimlessly at the strings on his guitar, purely just to keep his nervous hands busy, Calum was watching him, lost in thought because what if Michael did really like him? what if Calum liked him back? would it be awkward? Would it be amazing? Calum didn't know and so he was focused on figuring it out; Luke was on one of the sofas taking a nap and Ashton was playing games on his phone...

After a few minutes, Michael's playing became messy and broken because he was shaking slightly as the tension made him so agitated; this snapped Calum out of his thoughts and he instinctively reached forward to place his hand over Michael's left hand to still his shaking. 

"Hey... relax..." Calum soothed but the sudden contact only made Michael's heart beat faster, that was the effect Calum had on him, though he wouldn't admit it to himself or anyone else... Calum took the guitar from Michael and pulled him into a tight hug which made Michael relax without hesitation, Calum gave the best hugs. He sighed and buried his face in the crook of Calum's neck for a moment, where he would have happily stayed forever; but he knew he couldn't and so he pulled away. 

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