Happens Every Day - Lashton

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Ashton is abused, and Luke finds him. Punk!Luke thank you very much lol. All ashtons pov except points like this, which means luke's thoughts, but its not first person either. Thanks to hey_lashton for help!
-lowercase intended-

"get back here you son of a bitch!" my own mother yelled at me. yeah, im a 17 year old boy, and i wish i could overpower her. but she starves me, thus not giving me enough strength to fight back.

its not that i have anorexia or anything, i would eat if i could.

i love my mom and all, but i don't know why she does this to me. she hates me, but im still here with her.

im currently in my last year of school. its about a month into the new school year, and shes been beating me ever since high school started.

my best friends michael and calum helped me get through the years. and they didnt even realise it. they saved me in many ways, and they couldn't see it.

school was my escape from everything at home. i tried my best with school and home work, but my home was work in itself. every insult my mother threw at me, i had to duck and not get hit. it was mostly mental words, but i had to heal the wounds myself.

one day, it was average out. sun was out, nice but not too hot weather. i walk into a house, and man looks fooled everybody. i open the door, to be greeted with my one and only mother

"hello son. what did you learn at school today?" she said son in a disgusting tone.

i shrugged in reply, but also not really in the mood to get yelled at.

"really? you learned nothing today?" i shook my head, wanting her to be quiet.

"fucking worthless. i send you to school, only for you to come home and not even talk to me." that really stung.

"you know what ashton. get the fuck out and don't come home anytime soon." and with that, i was picked up and threw out of my house. literally threw.

i just weighed so little, my own mother could pick me up and drag me.

i fell to the concrete slab at the front of the house and stared up at the woman. the woman who was meant to give me love all the time, and care for me no matter what.

"stop fucking looking at me. i better not see your worthless ass in my house til after school tomorrow." i quickly looked down, and flinched when the door slammed shut.

this wasn't something i could ignore.

but at least i still have my school supplies, so i wont look even more depressing the next day at school.

now, i could go over to calum or michael's house, but my mum only let me go there so often, i forget how to get there myself. i didnt have a phone to call them on either.

michael and calum laughed at me for not having a phone, but if they really knew why, they'd instantly shut up.

i walked into the city of sydney and after a while, my legs hurt. i sat down on a bench, for a few hours, and i felt myself drifting off. until a stranger sat down next to me.

"hello there. what is a young boy doing out this late all alone?" stranger, as i now called him, said.

i only shrugged in reply, not wanting to give away my life story a man i didnt even know.

"not the talkative type i see."

i shook my head, which caused him to say, "why aren't you talking?"

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