"Give Me My Glasses!" - Lashton

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When I was about 5, I met my best friend. His name was Luke Hemmings. He was a year older than me, but that was okay. I've always needed my glasses, and Luke always broke them.

First time was when I let Luke try them on. We were 9, and he wanted to see how bad my prescription was. I trusted him, so I handed them over. Without them, I was practically blind. I could see shapes and stuff, and I saw Luke's outline of his body. He put them on, and I wished I could've seen how he looked. When he took them off, he went to hand them to me, but a car honked causing us both to jump and drop the glasses.

They fell to the ground and I heard the shatter of the glass. I couldn't see Luke's reaction, but I'm guessing it was guilty.

"Um, Ash. Uh, I'm sorry?" Luke said in a tone that made me want to hug him. So, me being my nine year old self, hugged the blonde ten year old tightly. He hugged me back and chuckled.

"Lets go get you home, okay?" Luke said and pulled away from the hug. I sighed and nodded. Once Luke's warmth completely left me, I heard footsteps walk a bit away from me. "Ash, lets go." Luke said from a bit in front of me.

I walked slowly up to him, and we walked towards my house.

Then, with my luck, I ran into a pole.

I yelped in pain, causing Luke to look at me, and grab my hand while leading me back to my house.

When we reached my house, or what I'm guessing to be my house, Luke stopped and held his arm out, thus causing me to come to a halt.

"Again, Ashton, I'm really sorry about your glasses." I could tell he was upset about it, so I didn't want him to worry.

"Its okay Lukey. I can mostly see fine." I lied with a content smile on my face.

"You sure Ash?" Luke questioned.

I nodded and went to, well I think, open my door, but fell off the small landing made of pavement. I fell on my bum, and Luke chuckled at me, but still helped me up. He knocked on the door for me, and who I'm guessing is my mother opened the door, and gasped.

"I'm sorry Anne. We were just joking around, and his glasses broke."

My mother sighed, "Its okay Luke. Just try not to do it again."


Next year, I was 10, and going into year five. Luke was ahead of me, only by 1 year. He was going into year six, and I was a bit disappointed.

He's never been in the same year as me, but I was scared for this school year, and I don't know why.

Luke had other friends, so when he came home the first day, he walked home with me. We just talked about the teachers we had. He hated his maths teacher, and I didn't like my English one.

As we went into my house, I took off my glasses to get out of my school uniform. I took off the dreaded blazer and put on my hoodie instead. Luke did the same. I set them on the nightstand and I went to reach for them, but I couldn't see.

Luke, I guessed, grabbed them and handed them towards me, but when my hand touched his, I instantly dropped them. It was like a flame ignited throughout my hand, so I dropped them. I heard the shattering sound, and I groaned. Another broken pair of glasses.

Luke chuckled and I'm guessing picked up the broken glasses. "Well Ash. Another broken pair." I sighed, but soon let out a chuckle. This always happens with Luke and I.


We were now in high school, and I've started to get a crush on Luke ever since that day when we were 10-11ish. I couldn't help it He grew up so much, and he was graduating this year. It was in less than a month and I didn't want Luke to leave. I would be so alone when he was gone.

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