Achluophobia - Lashton

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achluophobia, nyctophobia, or scotophobia - is the fear of the dark.

Thanks to Daya for the plot idea! (dedicated person above)

-this is MY story, as i just took down my other book because i didnt like it. my other phobia one shot will also be posted-


The dark. It's always been a thing little kids were afraid of. There is a monster under the bed, or someone was hiding in the closet. What if there actually was someone there? Someone with a mask on, waiting for the moment you drift off. No one knows their intentions, but parents, they'll tell you no one is there. But who knows, someone could be there.

These were Ashton Irwin's thoughts, every single night. Luckily, his mother knew of his slightly embarrassing fear, so she always kept a light on for him. Whether it was his small lamp on his desk, or the overhead light that brightened his whole room; there was always a light on.

His younger siblings used to laugh at him for having this fear, so he tried to face it. He tried to become the older brother they both looked up to. So, he turned off the lights in his room, and tried to sleep one night. His mother knew something was wrong, because when she opened the door to her eldest son's room, he was shaking so much.

He had tears streaming down his face, and was struggling to breathe. He was honestly on the verge of passing out. His mother turned on the overhead light, since it provided the most light for her son. She told him to just keep breathing, and to remember that she would protect him.

So, when Ashton finally could breath properly again, he was beyond tired from the hectic times. He looked up, to see his younger siblings there, with guilty blue eyes. They made their own brother get so scared trying to become the perfect brother. All because they teased him.

But this was when Ashton was 15.


That was a few years ago. Ashton is now 18, going to finish high school soon. One day in his English class, he heard the thunder rumbling outside. He thought nothing of it, as storms were okay. During the day, he didn't care for them. At night, it made him slightly on edge, but as long as he had a light on, he was fine.

But, luck wasn't Ashton's thing today.

His best friend sat right behind him, and kept getting tapped on the shoulder by the one and only Luke Hemmings.

They were doing an essay. They had to write what college they wanted to go to, and what they would major in. Ashton turned around to face his blonde friend and smiled. He wasn't quite sure of his feelings, but he wasn't going to act on them until he was completely sure.

"What college do you want?" Luke boldly asked. Ashton said, "I want the University of Sydney, how about you?" When Luke went to reply, "I actually want the University of-" And a loud struck of lightening cut the blonde off. Both of the confused boys ran over to the window. The teacher went over to his computer and 'googled' the current weather for Sydney, Australia.

"Attention students!" The teacher, Mr. Lockett, said. The students by the window, including Luke and Ashton, looked over at their teacher. Along with the students still seated. Mr Lockett said, "Apparently, none of us Australians watch the weather." Which gathered a few laughs from the class.

"Because, if we did, we would have seen that their is a huge thunderstorm warning for our area." Luke looked at Ashton who shrugged. "These storms will be deadly. All due to the heavy rain, dangerous amount of lightening, and strong winds." Luke and Ashton turned their attention back outside. "Now, we will-" And another huge lightening strike went off.

This time, it was only feet away from them. Gasps were heard throughout the classroom, and bright lights blinded them all. Luke luckily saw this coming, and closed his eyes. Ashton didn't 'see' that far into the future.

He now had spots on his vision of complete blackness. After about thirty more seconds, another lightening strike happened. The classroom's view was of the electric boxes that had the power to control the school. After only a half of a second, the entire school went black. Screams were heard, along with a few whimpers from Ashton.

Dim lights glowed in the hallway after only a minute of complete darkness. Ashton kept his glaze to outside, only because it wasn't so dark. Sadly, Mr. Lockett had to go with the rules.

"Alright students. Please, step away from the window." A few students walked away, but when Luke went to walk away, Ashton latched onto him. "Oh! Well hello Ashton." Luke grinned.

Ashton softly shook his head, and Luke's smile disappeared. "Ashton?" Which caused the scared boy to softy shake his head again. It's not like he didn't want to not talk to Luke. He just couldn't. Black spots still danced across the vision of Ashton Irwin.

He looked up at Luke, ignoring the chatter of the students. Also, he didn't notice that they were the only students still by the window. The black dots caused Ashton to not see part of Luke's face. He could only clearly see one blue eye that belonged to Luke Hemmings.

Luke looked over his shoulder to see most of the class was staring at the two teenage boys. Mr. Lockett made his way over to them, and said in a hushed tone, "Boy, please step away from the window. It's not safe." Ashton whimpered and Luke and Mr. Lockett both looked at him.

Loud thunder growled throughout the school, shaking everything inside and out. Hollowing winds were heard from the dead silent school. Trees were blown around. "Mr. Lockett, can I take him out of the room please?" Mr. Lockett looked hesitant, but when all three of them saw a flash of white light, Ashton again whimpered.

It was bitch black in the classroom. They gray clouds casts a dark, evil look. The most recent whimper from Ashton was for two reasons. One, being the darkness caused him to freak out. Two, being the white light made many more black spots dance across the hazel eyes.

Mr. Lockett instantly nodded his head when he heard the whimper. Luke basically dragged Ashton out of the classroom, into the dimly lit hallway.

Ashton started to breathe in shallow breaths. His hands started to shake, once Luke 'dropped' him, or let go of him. Ashton's knees buckled out from under his smaller frame, causing him to drop to the floor. Sadly, Luke didn't catch him in time. Because that's too common.

The smaller, but still stronger, fell to the floor, and passed out. Luke bent down and pulled him into his chest.

After about two minutes of Ashton being unconscious, he slowly started to wake up. Ashton fluttered open his hazel eyes, he caught sight of bright blue eyes. The bright blue eyes that gave such heart eyes, that everyone but the hazel eyes owner could see. The bright blue eyes that many girls loved, or currently loved, but only secretly belonged to the hazel eyed boy.

The black seemed to mostly fade away. Ashton didn't seem to notice how dark it was. Until a loud boom of thunder broke their gazes. Ashton whimpered once he noticed how dark the school was.

Luke pulled the scared boy closer to his chest. Ashton gripped the uniform shirt tightly, never wanting to let go.

Ashton's breathing started to become uneven, once fully understanding how bad this was.

Luke quickly noticed, and tilted his head up, and place his lips onto Ashton's.

Ashton was shocked to say the least. But, he kept kissing Luke, and soon forgot all about the darkness surrounding them. Fireworks were going off, lighting up all of the darkness around them.

The two boys pulled away, both with smiles, swollen lips and blushed cheeks. Luke tugged the boy closer to him, and hugged him tightly.


sorry I haven't updated this in some time.

but y'all should go check out 'Fairly Local - Lashton' by me !


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