Fuqboi - Lashton

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-idk this is some cute fluff i just wrote in my book called fuqboi-


When I woke up, it was around five in the afternoon, and Luke was asleep, still having a tight grip on me. Our legs were intertwined softly, which made me smile. I heard someone coming up the steps of Luke's house, so I closed my eyes and pretended to be sleeping once again. But, I had one eye slightly open, so I could see who it was. Luke's door softly clicked open, and I saw his dad stare at us.

His dad had his mouth open slightly. At first, I thought he might have been a bit homophobic. But, nothing like that happened.

He slowly walked out, and walked down the steps. I heard light whispering, and I just stayed still. A minute later, the blonde's dad came back in, along with his wife. Who I am guessing is Luke's mother. The blonde haired woman brought her hand up to her mouth and turned to her husband.

"Andrew. I had no idea he had a boyfriend." She said, seemingly very upset that she didn't know her son had a boyfriend or girlfriend. She didn't even know Luke liked guys.

"Why did he not tell us?" She said looking right at me. I was nervous she was going to notice I was actually awake, but she made no actions to indicate that. Luke's mum turned her gaze back to her husband, "I feel awful. He's never been that close to us. I feel like he just doesn't want to be in our lives."

I wanted to frown at that. It seems like from the few other times that I was over at the Hemmings' residence, they just ignored Luke.

We walked up to the door. Luke opened it, and I saw two older guys sitting on the couch, and they didn't even notice Luke. One was on a phone, the other on a computer.

It seemed so sad that their youngest son wasn't even thought of that much. That they didn't even know when he had brought his soon-to-be boyfriend over, who was actually me.

Andrew smiled sadly at his youngest son, and said in reply to his wife, "I think we just put more focus on Jack and Ben." The blonde woman shook her head, and asked her husband, "Andrew. I don't even know his favourite food or colour."

She glanced at us again, "I don't know his sexuality either. He's totally not straight, because of that." She pointed to us. "That's 'not just friends'."

I wanted to smile at that, but I somehow kept a straight face. Wow, okay I love gay jokes.

When Luke woke up, I was simply just resting. I had my eyes closed, but I wasn't really asleep. Luke groaned and put his face once again into my hair. I giggled at it, and Luke slowly lifted his face up again. He opened his eyes, well I'm guessing. He sat up, and somehow took me with him. We were sitting side by side, and Luke closed his eyes again.

I smirked, and straddled his lap. His eyes snapped open, and he still seemed very tired. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he placed his on my waist. I said to him, "Your parents now know I'm your boyfriend."

Luke seemed scared when I told him this. His blue eyes widened and his grip on me loosened. I leaned in, and kissed his cheeks many times. I whispered to him when I pulled back, "Hey hey. It's okay Lukey. They seemed shocked, but you could tell they were happy for you." Luke sighed softly and I placed my lips on his for just a few seconds.

When I pulled away, Luke had a small shy smile on his face. I brought him in for a hug, while I was on his lap. Luke placed his face in my neck, and I rubbed his back trying to somewhat comfort him. He was obviously scared about what his parents seemed to think about him having a boyfriend.

I did not tell Luke about his parents feeling gosh awful for practically ignoring and forgetting about him. Luke didn't need to know that. All Luke needed to know was that I was here for him.


-mikey { 05-November-2016 }

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