He's Gay? - Lashton

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So guys this is a request from the person I dedicated it to, and its my first one. I'm gonna try very hard on this one lol.

The request is : "Can you do one where Luke comes out to the guys and he's really shy and anxious about it then after he comes out he freaks out and runs away before they can say anything and then Ashton comes and finds him and they confess their love for each other?! Btw hey (: "

So thanks, and here it is! It's gonna move a bit quickly, as I wanted to update it quickly, because it's been a while since I even got this request.


Luke was just laying down in his bed while on tour one day, he had a major secret.

He's gay.

His mother and father knew, and they honestly didn't care. He was still the same Luke Hemmings as before.

His brothers knew. The blood-related ones anyways.

His band-mates, which were practically his brothers, still didn't know. Now, it may sound stupid, but Luke has a huge crush on the eldest member.

Ashton Irwin.

With his perfect personality to his damn good looks, Luke couldn't help but develop a major crush on the curly-haired Aussie.


Now, with Ashton, he also had a crush on the broad, blonde-haired Aussie. Ashton loved, well liked, his lip ring a lot. He also liked his perfect quiffs, his smiles, his small (but still there and very cute) dimples, and his caring perspective of everything.

He wasn't quite at the stage of loving Luke, but he was pretty damn close.

He wasn't stupid; Ashton could tell Luke had some feelings for himself. He could tell with the way Luke looked at him on stage, which is why he would sometimes pick him up and carry him around while still on stage.

Ashton just never got a good chance to tell Luke he liked him back.

He didn't want to just walk onto the tour bus, open Luke's curtain, and be like, 'yo Hemmings! I like you, wanna be my boyfriend?'

That would seem kinda rude. But Ashton still didn't know Luke's sexuality. He could tell it wasn't straight because whenever was shirtless, which was surprisingly a lot, Luke would stare at his chest.

And, let's be honest, no straight guy would stare at some other guys' abs until he is caught.

Ashton didn't know if he was gay, or bi or even pan, but Luke Hemmings was definitely not straight.

Which was great for them both.


One day, Michael seemed to wake up early, and made himself some coffee.

He noticed that Luke and Ashton had some weird tension between each-other, which pissed Michael off. They both liked each other, but they didn't do a damn thing about it.

So, he picked up two of Ashton's spare symbols, and walked to where the bunks were.

He hit them together multiple time before the other boys actually started to wake up.

He swore they could literally sleep through anything.

Ashton was the first to yell at him. Then Calum, and lastly Luke.

"Alright dickheads! Get up now! We have a band meeting right now, ordered by myself!" Michael yelled throughout the tour bus.

Ashton groaned, "Bitch, put my symbols down and shut the hell up!" And rolled out of the bed.

Calum just mumbled some not so kind words.

Luke slid out and walked towards the rest of the band. He got vans and basketball shorts on, with just a plain t-shirt.

Michael set the symbols down on the counter, while the rest of the boys sat on the couch.

"Alright, so I call this band meeting to order, as I notice there is a shitload of tension here. So make it stop." Michael said while looking back and fourth between Luke and Ashton.

Luke blushed and looked down, while Ashton just looked down.

Then the bus came to halt. "Alright we're here in..." The bus driver looked around for a second or two, "Uh, Hershey, Pennsylvania. Alright have fun, I'm getting some coffee." He said and just left.

Michael looked back at the other members, "Does anyone have something to say?"

None of the boys even blinked which caused Michael to sigh. He was about to go off on them, but then Luke raised his hand slowly.

"Um, I actually do, I guess." Michael motioned for him to go on, but Luke's throat closed with the feeling of all three of his band-mates' eyes on him.

He took a breath, and said slowly, "I'm uh."

He opened his eyes and choked out, "I-I'm gay."

He noticed all their eyes go wide, so he quickly stood up and bolted for the door, rushing out in no time.

Michael looked towards Ashton and Calum and asked, "He's gay?"

Calum just shrugged and Ashton stood up.

He sighed and said "Dammit Lucas get back here!" which cause Michael and Calum to stifle their laughter. ( LiveBright here it is! "Ashton sighs and shit like that and runs after him" )

He put his shoes on and walked toward the tour-bus door. He walked out, trying to find out where Luke would run to.

He saw a hotel a bit further away, but Luke didn't even have his phone on him.

He kept walking, almost forgetting he was in a world-famous pop-rock band.


He heard lots of girls laughing while saying the name Luke again and again.

"Please, I don't want to blow you guys off, but I really need to get to the hotel."

The girls nodded and let Luke go. Ashton slowly followed behind him, watching him not go to the hotel. I went around the building, but kept walking.

He kept walking til he go to a park, which had almost no one there.

Luke sat down on the nearest bench, and started crying.

Ashton slowly walked up to him and sat down next to the crying blonde.

Luke didn't look up, he just kept crying. He also thought that if it was a fan, they would start asking why he was crying. And he didn't want that.

"Lukey," Ashton said softly.

Luke snapped his head up at Ashton, and kept crying.

Ashton pulled the blue-eyed boy into a tight embrace, and Luke didn't stop crying.

"I-I-I thought y-you guys h-hated me now that I'm g-gay?" Luke said stuttering a lot due to him currently crying.

Ashton softly shook his head, "No baby. I couldn't hate you for being gay."

Luke snapped his head up (again) due to the pet-name Ashton let slip.

"B-Baby?" Luke questioned softly.

Ashton nodded his head again, "Yes baby. You are my baby, because I really like you."

Luke beamed and finally stopped crying. "Good, because I like you too."

Ashton laughed and kissed Luke's forehead. "That's great. Lukey, would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Luke giggled and nodded his head.

"Okay, now boyfriend, lets go back to the tour bus?"

Luke nodded and got up with his new boyfriend.


That sucked. I'm sorry if it isn't what you wanted, but at least I finished something.


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