He's Too Kinky - Lashton

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-this is one i wrote and its almost smut /gasp/ but lashton. its like bottom!ashton isn't that kinky but top!luke is, and ashton doesn't really enjoy the kinky, hot sex and luke finally 'realises'-


It was just a regular night for Ashton. He got home early from work, but only by thirty minutes. Luke would be home in an hour, and they would most likely have sex again.

Yeah, Ashton is a guy and he loves sex. But the sex with Luke hasn't been that great. Sex in general was weird and he didn't have the urge. He loves Luke, and he always will. But the way Luke denies his orgasm, the way he spanks his ass, and the way he sometimes ties him up at such an uncomfortable angle makes him want to cry.

Ashton didn't really want pain on his body, he just wanted Luke to make love to him. Something he hasn't done in a while. The older man sighed, but realised he could maybe get out of the pain. He walked up the steps to his and Luke's bedroom.

When he was there, he took off his shirt, and then he just got under the covers. He curled up on himself. Ashton only wanted Luke to cuddle him, and prove that he loves him, without the sex. Ashton felt like he was just a body to Luke.

When he closed his hazel eyes, he wanted to cry. But he didn't. That was something he did way too often over the sex he was involved in.

Ashton soon fell asleep and hoped Luke didn't plan on having sex today. Sadly, he did.

When Luke came home, he noticed how Ashton wasn't there on the couch like he always was. At first Luke got nervous, that something bad had happened to his long-time boyfriend.

Luke walked up the steps of their house, and walked into the shared bedroom. He softly opened the door, and saw his boyfriend sleeping soundly. He smirked, and realised this was the best time to surprise Ashton. Luckily, the older man was a very heavy sleeper.

Luke grabbed some of the handcuffs from the dresser, and walked over to Ashton. If only he noticed the frown on Ashton's face, and the way he was curled in on himself. The blonde slowly moved Ashton's arms and linked the chain around the metal headboard.

Ashton had a strand or two of brown hair on top of his closed eyes. When the blonde went to brush them away, Ashton went to move, but the handcuffs didn't let him. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, and slowly peeled open his eyes.

The beautiful hazel was revealed, and Ashton looked into Luke's sky blue eyes. He internally sighed, knowing this would just be painful. "Hi baby." Luke smirked. Ashton faked an innocent smile, "Hi Daddy." Luke kept his smirk on top of his perfectly pink lips, and pulled the blankets down.

Ashton's body was now completely revealed. Even though the hazel eyed boy had slept in skinny jeans, they were somehow comfortable. Luke ran his hands over Ashton's very toned body, and for once something felt nice. The brunette hummed with a small smile on his face, but still felt the metal digging into his skin.

Luke placed his hands on the zipper, and slowly pulled it down, once undoing the button. He loved teasing Ashton, making him practically beg. He placed his hands on Ashton's hips, and pulled the tight fabric down. Once the jeans were off, Luke messed with the boxers on Ashton.

Luke was currently straining against his boxers and jeans, while Ashton was only half hard. This didn't make him feel that good, honestly. Luke roughly palmed him against his black boxers. Ashton whimpered out, wanting to say that it hurt more then anything. Luke took his whimper as one of pleasure, so he kept doing the action.

Finally, Ashton was fully hard, which he didn't know how. Luke pulled the black fabric down, and Ashton's cock sprung out. Ashton looked up and clenched his eyes shut. He didn't want this, but he didn't truly know why he didn't say anything to Luke.

Luke stripped himself quickly, and moved Ashton's legs. He positioned himself near Ashton's entrance, but Ashton realised something. Luke didn't use lube or even a condom. Right before Luke was about to start going in, Ashton cried out, "Wait!"

Luke instantly stopped, and pulled back slightly. "What baby?" He said, in a concerned tone. Ashton calmed down for a second, "Could you um, prep me please?"

Luke smirked, "Really now? You want Daddy to prep a little slut like you? So you get even more pleasure while I'm stuck here waiting. I don't think so." Luke moved in closer, and Ashton felt the tip of Luke's dick on his un-prepped hole.

He cried out once again, "No, Luke. Stop please!" Luke's smirk was instantly gone, and he removed himself from in the middle of Ashton's legs. "Baby? You okay?" Ashton whimpered, "No. Please uncuff me."

Luke nodded and did a little trick to easily unlock the cuffs. He didn't even need the key. He pulled Ashton into his arms, and Ashton broke down. He started sobbing and Luke just held him. He whispered a few loving words every once and a while, but Luke mostly let Ashton calm down on his own.

When the hot tears which hit Luke's broad chest had finally stopped, Luke cupped Ashton's face and wiped away the tear marks on his face. His blue stared deeply into Ashton's pretty, oh so pretty hazel. It reminded him of when he first met Ashton. He kissed him on the lips softly, not wanting to break his fragile boyfriend any more then he already had done.

Luke felt one more tear hit his own cheek while he was kissing Ashton. He pulled away and wiped his boyfriend's cheeks once more. He whispered, not needing to speak any louder, "Baby, what happened?"

Ashton bit his lower lip, but then said, "I don't like sex." Luke frowned. He's been with Ashton for over a year, and only the first time together was nice and slow. All the others were rough and not very loving.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ashton shrugged, "I know you like the sex we have, especially the rough sex."

Luke sighed, "Tell me all the things you don't like about the sex."

Ashton looked down, "I-I don't like being called a slut or a whore, it makes me feel awful. I don't like it when you handcuff me either. Or choke me. I'm also not that big on the whole 'daddy' thing. I just don't have the urge to have sex."

Luke kissed his brown hair, feeling awful for now just figuring out that his boyfriend practically hates everything sexual they do.

"Is it because of me? Do you just not love me anymore?" Luke sadly said, with his blue eyes refusing to make eye contact with his boyfriend's hazel eyes.

"Baby, no! I love you, I just don't enjoy any sex. Whether it be you, or someone else, I'd rather just not have sex in general." Ashton quickly replied.

Luke seemed to be thinking for a minute, "Is it, wait. What's it called?" Ashton smiled, "Is the word you're looking for asexual?" Luke nodded and asked, "Are you asexual?" Ashton nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" The blonde asked. The older, but smaller man said, "I only found out recently. I used to like sex, now, I don't find a sexual attraction to anyone."

Luke nodded and said, "But you still have romantic feelings for me, right?" Ashton nodded, leaned up and kissed Luke's pink lips. "Yes. I love you."

Luke kissed Ashton's hair and said, "I love you too."


-short and ive had a super rough week. one of my friends (i call him my twin because we almost share the same birthday) tried to kill himself. he cut his legs. who knew we'd have matching scars-

-michael. [ 04-February-2017 ]

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